Chapter 2. Getting Settled

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Seventeen, Alessia Cara


Remind yourself that you cannot
fail at being yourself.
- Wayne Dyer

Chapter 2.

     Ripping the tape off of the box, I crumble it up, attempting to toss it into the nearby trash can — only for it to bounce off the wall and back onto the floor. I'll pick it up later. Returning my attention back to the box before me, I rummage through it and begin taking out the framed photos. I place two of the photos on a chestnut desk, in the corner of the room. Setting the other on the nightstand, which rests slightly against the worn lamp.

     I head back over to the box and pull out my canary-colored sheets, white satin pillow, and comforter decorated in images of sunflowers. Laying the fitted sheet on the mattress, I stretch it over to the top left corner and then down to the bottom left. Snuggly tucking in the sides, I repeat the same actions on the right. Just as I finish placing on the comforter, I feel a vibration in my back pocket.

     Quickly taking out my phone, I read the caller ID: Takemi. Answering the phone, I place it to my ear. Before I am able to get a word out, their voice rings through on the other end.

     "Hey!" They exclaim and I am unable to hold back my smile. "You here yet? Appa just dropped me off."

     Takemi and I have been best friends since third grade when I happened to pour apple juice all over some kid who was messing with them. We've been close ever since.

     "Yeah, awọn obi mi dropped me off a bit ago but I told them to leave — is your dad still here? I wanted to apologize for last time."

    "You mean for setting our kitchen on fire? Oh yeah, he definitely wants to see you again." Takemi responds, voice dripping with sarcasm. "And wait, you told them to leave? Look at you! Growing a pair already. I feel like a proud parent."

    "Yeah, well, Iya wasn't too happy about it.

    "That I can imagine."

     "Also, the fire wasn't even that big!"

     "Right, right, it just destroyed our stove. No big deal."

      "I got distracted!"

       They scoff and I can practically envision them rolling their eyes.

     "I will be right back," Takemi scoops up their pug. "I have to let Lola out. The stir fry is almost done."

     "Okay, if you're not back when it's done I'll spam you."

     "Why would I expect anything different?"

     Lola nips at their skin, letting out a bark that startles me. The door clicks shut behind Takemi and I seat myself on the nearest stool. The repetitive tick-tick-ticking of the clock captures my focus. Letting out a yawn, I hop off the stool and help myself to some of Mr. Hirano's coffee. That's the day I learned that coffee and I don't mix well together.

     "If by distracted you mean passed out on the couch, then yeah. You were definitely busy." They tease followed by a chuckle, "Appa will get over it, at some point."

     "Hopefully. Meet me at the North Quad in fifteen minutes, okay? We can talk more in person."

     "By fifteen minutes you mean an hour?"

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