4: Decisions & Responsibilities

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September 17th, 7:54 PM. Location: Bakugou's Apartment.

"I'm home!" Katsuki cheered, walking through the door.

Izuku immediately threw himself at his alpha, hugging his with all his might. "Kacchan!" he giggled, kissing Bakugou passionately. "I missed you!" He continued, letting go of the tall boy. 

"I missed you too, babe." 

Bakugou walked in, removing his combat gear and putting it on the table. "I'll go take a shower. Can you order pizza for me please?" He asked, kissing the omega's freckled cheek. 

"It's this late, and you haven't even had supper yet?" Izuku asked, turning around to his boyfriend. 

"No." Katsuki claimed, walking into the hall. 

Within a few minutes, the shower started to run, and Midoriya had called Pop's Pizza Place.

And soon, the greenette had a hot, steaming pizza box, resting on the counter. 

"Ah- That got here fast." Bakugou said, coming into the kitchen, with nothing but a towel around his waist. "Thanks babycakes." Katsuki said, kissing his boyfriend before swallowing a few pizza slices. 

When the blonde was done, he put on a pair of comfy pants, as well as a black T-Shirt. "Are you coming to bed now? I'm tired." Izuku whined. "I just got home, sugar. Let me relax a little. I'll be there in a few minutes." The alpha said, sitting down on the sofa and pulling out his cell phone. 

Midoriya frowed. He hadn't seen his alpha all day. And the same thing goes for the day before that. It's always the same routine. Katsuki gets home near 8:00 PM, and does nothing at all! He takes a shower, eats, and sits down until 10:00. They barely ever get to talk or spend time together. 

Katsuki sighed as he threw his arm around the greenette, pulling him closer. "You're not tired?" He asked. Midoriya shook his head. To be honest, he was. But, he wanted to cuddle. He wanted to spend time with Bakugou for once. He wanted to talk. 

"Do you think this baby is a good idea, Kacchan? It's not too late to get an abortion... I'm only about 7 weeks pregnant. Besides, I want to be able to have more alone time with you. We only ever had sex once, and that was when you became the number one hero, a few weeks ago... Once the baby arrives, we won't be able to have fun anymore. We'll always be occupied." Izuku mumbled, closing his eyes. Katsuki looked up from his phone. Although he really wanted this baby, Midoriya did have a good point. They didn't get much time together already, and the thought of not having enough time for the kid was painful to him. After all, Bakugou was constantly at work, and the omega was still struggling with his art... Having a child around would just add onto their responsibilities, and would probably end up having a big inpact on their family. 

"I just... I don't want anything to change." Izuku stated, dozing off slightly. 

Bakugou looked down to the green locks of hair, pressing a soft kiss on the omega's head. 

A baby... Something that constantly needs attention. That needs a crib, clothes, toys, and an appropriate environment. A small thing that costs a big amount of money. Were they even qualified to be parents yet? 

Thoughts swirmed in the alpha's head, as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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