Chapter 2: Is This Even A School?

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Trigger warning: Mentions of paranoid, Phobias.

Daniel POV:

While I was sitting down in my seat in class I notice something...strange...the lights were flickering and the light bulb was just fixed! I'm sure it was fixed! I realize that James was sitting in front of me. And since it was the first day of school we can talk in class. "James!" I say "Did you notice the light flickering?!" "Wait what? I don't see anything...but do you hear screaming?" James questioned. "What-..? What do you mean screaming?!" I said starting to make excuses in my mind. Maybe he's just paranoid and I'm seeing things! " it me or is the board getting larger and tinier?" Jimmy said. Wait what? How does jimmy see that? The board's just's the light that's flickering.

"Um...Jimmy the board's just's the light that's flickering" I say in a voice that sounds like I'm about to panic "What...? No the light isn't flickering" Jimmy says. What? I raise my hand to call the teacher "Sir! There's something wrong!" I say. Everyone looks at me, I can tell somethings wrong. The principal walks in whispering something into the teachers ear. I couldn't hear what he said. But whatever it is I'm sure it was about this situation. "Uh....class dismissed-" The teacher says in a worried voice.

When all of us walk out of class. James and I go down the hallway and find my friends. Only to see Jason sitting on the grown his hands around his feet. "Jason?! What's wrong?!" I say running over to my friends. "He feels like the room is getting smaller!" Luna said. I look over at Luna and see her terrified like she's trying to balance on something...but what? "Luna..? Um why are you trying to balance or something...?" I question. "I feel like I'm on a mountain" she says in a low tone her eyes looking at the ground trying to balance and not fall off the "mountain". "Wait a minute...." I say. "Doesn't Jason have claustrophobia? And don't you have acrophobia?!" We all stay in silence for a few seconds. "That maybe what we're seeing but.....why are we seeing these?" Kate said. "Wait your seeing them too?!" James said. "I think the whole school does....I do see something but I don't understa-....OH MY GOD-" She says in horror.

"I think she has a fear of clowns" James says. "I don't know what's my fear though" James says in confusion. "Uh hello? Guys? Where did you go?!" James begins to panic. "Uh.....James we're right here..." I reply but James couldn't find us. "I think he has the fear of either being alone or something else" Kate says staring off to the "clown" in a horrific look on her face. "Students! There's a weird problem today!" The principal says through the microphone. "Yeah, no sh*t Sherlock" I say in a low tone. "Please everyone go to the gym at the school! We'll stay the night there" the principal says in a worried voice. "Way to start the school year" i say rolling my eyes.

As me and my friends approached the gym. I decided to go talk to a teacher. "You guys go in I'll go talk to a teacher" I say. They nod and enter the gym. "Uh teacher!" I say. "What's the cause of this?!" I say. "I'm sorry but...I don't know" the teacher replied. This is when I knew that things were starting to go down hill....

Jason POV:

What. Is. Happening. Is this some kind of joke?! But then again how do we see different things?! I thought that this was going to be the best school year! Next year we would go to college and everything! I open my phone to forget that I'm in a small room. "Ugh no signal?!" I started to get annoyed even more. So we can't call for help or anything?! I take my duck plushie out my backpack. And I start to squeeze it. It's kind of like a squishy, but it's not really one.
(Jason is obsessed with ducks he wears a duck hat too)
What are we going to do? How do we get out? Will we ever get out? I panicked squeezing my squishy even harder.

James POV:

I can tell Jason was panicking. I don't blame him though. To make myself feel better I put my hand into my backpack and grabbed indomie. I took it out and opened it and of coarse started eating it. 'Cause that's what you do with indomie.
(Indomie are instant noodles)
And then I just sat there eating instant noodles. Shocked in fear.


This chapter's short too?! Anyways sorry for this chapter being short.

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