Chapter 3

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Maybe love?!

Chapter 3

someone comes and gives her a handkerchief!!

It was tanzeel (sb galat 😂🔫)

T- hey aashna right?
A- yes!! *SOBBING*
T-don't cry!! You'll cry more if you trust sanket!'
A- you both are bestfs ashi told me and why are you saying this?!
T- because he is a playboy!! He breaks every girl's heart!!
A- let's see ... what's you name?
T- tanzeel!!
A- let's see tanzeel his behaviour with me!!

Just then aash saw sanku coming towards her!
S- hey!!
A- hi!!

Tanzeel leaves!!
S- are you okay?
A- um yeah!!
S- so wanna explore the library with me!! I love books!!
A- OMGG me too!! Less go!!

Sanku held aash's hand and aash didn't realised this!! They reach the library!! They spent a lot of time together!! It's almost the time of dispersal!! Everyone is gone!! Aash and sanku are nowhere to be seen!! Because they are still in the library!!

A- I think it's late!! Let's go!!
S- okay!!

Sanku was about to open the door for aash but the door didn't opened!!
S- aashna!!
A- what happened?
S-looks like we are locked inside!!
A- wait no!!!!!
S-  we can't move out!! We have to stay here till the next morning!!
A- tomorrow's a holiday!!
S- no worries péon comes here daily to check the books!! But whole night we have to stay here!!don't worry you can trust me!!
A- okay!! *smiles*

They were getting bored!! There was awkward silence!! Sanku broke it!!
S- what are your views about love?
A- love is the most beautiful feeling ever!! But loving the wrong person can give you so many bad memories!! Huh leave!!
S- feels like you have a bad past! *BEING A BIT SUSPICIOUS*
A- umm leave it!! *CHANGING THE TOPIC*
S- you can tell me!!
A- I am feeling sleepy sanket!
S- okay sleep then!!

They both slept!!
Next morning both woke up!!

Sanku dropped aash home after the peon opened the door!!

Aash said thanks to sanket and went inside!!
Sanku to herself: interesting *smirks*


Stay tuned for next chapter!!🧡
Follow me on ig:: aasanxfanfictions

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