Chapter 7

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Maybe love?!

Chapter 7

A- are you hungry?
S- not really!!
A- stop it sanket I know you are hungry lemme cook you some food!!
S- you know how to cook
A-yes I do!!
S- hope i don't die after that!!
A-you won't!! *angrily*

Aash goes to the kitchen to cut vegetables!! Just then while chopping she got a cut on her finger!!
A- ouch!!
S- wth why can't you do anything properly??
A- what did I do!! *was bout to cry*
S- okay okay sorry don't cry!!
A- ok
S- where's the bandage!! ?
Aash tells him where the bandage he goes and gets it!!

Aash after some time!!
A- here's our dinner!!
S-Bro this looks so tempting!!
A- eat it and lemme know how's it!!
Sanku had it!!
S- it's yum *awkward smile*
A- lemme eat *excited*
S- okay *laughs*
Aash eats it and spits it!!
A- ewww it's so bad!! Why did you eat it!!?
S- i didn't wanted to make you sad!!
A- imma bad chef!!
S- very bad!!

It was time of sanku to leave!!
S- bye!! Don't you think we are forgetting something?
A- what?
Sanku came Closer to aash and gave her a kiss on her cheeks!!
S- bye beautiful!!

Sankus pov
Hasi toh phasi!!😏 some more time babe then you're heart will be million pieces!!

Aash's pov
He's so cute!!🥺 stop it aash!! Focus on your work !!🔫😉

Days passed!!
Sanku and Aash started to be close to each other day by day!! Ofc for sanku it was a stupid play game!

One day!!
S- meet me here at 8pm *winks*
A- okay!!! *smiles*

Sankus pov
I'll propose her today!! Let's see what happens?!😏

At the location!!

Ik my writing style is a bit weird but I can't do anything to it sowieee!!😩

please vote and comment!!🥺🥺

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