Part 7

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Dada and sach pa were on either of Mahi . Mahi slowly opened his eyes slightly wincing in pain. Sach pa wemt to call doctor

Dada( worriedly ) : Mahi u r fine na baccha .

Mahi ( weekly ) ; I am fine dada just a slight pain. ( looking around ) Cheeku?? ( to dada ) he is fine na dada ??? Why is he not here??

Dada : yes baccha he is completely fine . He is with Jammy in hotel . 

Mahi( tensed ) : hotel?? Why dada?? They will hurt him again dada. They will break him again dada

Dada : calm down Mahiya . We have to live in hotel baccha ur house is not in the condition that we can stay there ,also there is tight security in hotel that will be the safest place for now to live in . And don't worry Jammy is with him na he will be fine . 

Mahi nodded . Doc. came and check him . Soon Mahi got discharged from hospital .

On the otherside Jammy bhai came after attending the call from dada only to find Vi sitting on the bed staring at the floor blankly . He sat beside Vi .

Jammy : what happened baccha ??

Vi : M..Mahi b..bhai ???

 " he is fine baccha and will be here soon . U stay here I am coming in few minutes " said Jammy bhai as he went ruffling Vi's hairs . Jammy went to Ro's room . Yes he was angry at them very angry for hurting Cheeku  but he can't forget Mahi is thier bhai too and they love him more than anything . They surely had the right to know about it as they will be worried too. 

In Ro's room , jinks and ro were sitting

Jinks: don't u think we went a bit further today ???

Ro (mumbeled ) : I think we went but he deserved it didn't he ??

It was more like he was asking this question to himself to shove away the feeling of guilt. " no he didn't " they heard the voice they turned back only to find Jammy bhai standing at the door .

Jammy : no Ro he don't deserve even a bit of what is he is going through . He deserve to be loved , he deserve to be respected , he deserve the trust of his best friends, he deserve the support of his big bros , he deserve the care of his kiddos, he deserve every happiness. Well I don't think u will understand now what I am saying but when u will u can't be able to take that guilt . Leave it I had came to inform u that Mahi is fine now and will be here in sometime . 

Ro and Jinks nodded and Jammy left . After sometime Mahi came to the hotel . 

Jammy : how r u now baccha ??

Mahi : better bhai . Cheeku ?

Jammy sighed him and told him everything


Jammy entered in the Vi's room and sat beside Vi . 

Jammy: come baccha ur Mahi bhai is here . Don't u wanna see him???

Vi ( mumbled ) : no I wont he will get hurt again because of me . I will hurt him again . I wont come anywhere near him. I can't see him like that again.

Jammy : no baccha its nothing like that .

Vi : no I wont come anywhere plzzz u also stay away from me u will also get hurt . I will bring problems to u too . 

Vi started taking heavy breaths mumbling " go go from here don't come near me"  samething again and again .  " Okk okk calm down Vi calm down kiddo see I am going u don't take stress baccha I am going" said Jammy bhai taking steps backwards as he saw Vi getting worked up his presence .

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