Part 20

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In Ro's room

Ro and Jinks were seeing the old photos of them with Vi. They came across a picture where Ro and Vi were standing pouting looking down in front of Mahi and Jinks who were glaring them. Ro softly caressed the pic.

Ro(smiling): remember?? When I and Vi came back late at the night the amount of scolding we both got from u nd Mahi bhai.

Jinks(chuckled): offcourse and from next day u were following bhai like a lost puppy because he was angry and was not talking from both of u

Ro(chuckled): ultimately we did an another prank to make him talk with us. The amazing idea of Vi

Jinks: he is crazy. 

Ro(teary): can we ever be able to get our crazy Vi back. Its been so many days since he hugged us, whine, fight with me. How he used to cling to every person almost every person in the team and now he he didn't even looked at us. I am missing that Vi, Jinks .

Jinks side hugged Ro not knowing what to say he himself wish that for once they go back in the time when they accused him and sort out everything. Thats when Rah barged inside the room and before they could say anything he had already threw his hands around Ro's waist and laid down hidding his face in his lap sobbing badly. They hoth were shocked because its very rare to see him like this. Ro soflty caressed his hairs.

Ro: baccha what happened kiddo why r u crying like this???

Rah: I want my Vi bhaiya back BRo. I heard him talking he was saying that he didn't want to have any relation with anyone except Mahi bhai and super seniors. I lost him. he won't come again to us ,he left us. I know I did a big mistake but I promise I won't do this ever again I wont stop him from calling me Rahuliya. I wont ever scold him. I won't but I want my bhaiya back I want him back again.

Rah was crying badly and due to which he started hiccuping. Jinks brought water and made him drink water. 

Ro(cupping his face): baccha I know u r missing him we all r missing him kiddo we all want him back. But at what cost??? At the cost of his health?? . We can even now continue to do that stupidity we did, we can kept him forcing to forgive and may be even he will forgive us by this but his health?? What about it kiddo?? I know its hurting very badly its hurting us too but just think Rah how he must have felt when we behaved with him like that. Mahi bhai came after sometime na but what about  before he came even when Mahi bhai was there with him did we left any chance to taunt him, to make him feel worthless,  to accuse him??? did we Rah?? No right?? Then isn't it wrong to expect from him to forgive us, forget everyhing and behave normally with us. We always thought for ourselves but now its time kiddo we have to think about him. And don't worry baccha we will get him back I can't tell in how much time but yess we will get him back ,till then we have to keep us strong.

Jinks: yess kiddo we have to rectify the mistake we did na?? 

Rah nodded and hugged Ro again.

In Vi's room

Vi was sitting on the bed with dada,Sach pa and Jammy bhai who were kind of trying to keep him engaged in the talks and Mahi was in the balcony but Vi was looking at balcony waiting for his Mahi bhai to come. It was not he was not comfortable with Sach pa, dada and Jammy bhai. When Mahi bhai was not thier he look for them only, he do trust them, they had done a lot for him and he truly greatful for god giving them as his brothers but still he looks for his Mahi bhai when even for a second he went away from his eyes and the best thing was they understand his need and they never get hurt or sad when he looks for his bhai even in thier presence. That time Mahi too came talking with someone on the call.

Mahi: yes just a minute I am giving it to him.

He put the phone on vedio call and put it infront of Vi's face.

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