Chapter 6 || Aniah isn't dead

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At Class when The teacher was taking attendence she said ''Sugar Blossom?''. ''She isn't here Miss'' Raa1n said. As the Teacher Sighed she said ''Ixywill and Raa1nbran go call Sugar Blossom  i just wanna make sure she isn't sick or anything''. As Raa1n and Ixy Went to the bathroom and called sugar she didn't pick up and first but when they called the second time she answered. ''Sugar where are you the teacher called your name like 10 times already'' Ixy said. ''Sorry guys...i just have been depressed lately after you know aniah's death...can you tell the teacher i am sick?'' Sugar said. ''We don't mind but still you have to come to school atleast come tomrrorrow'' Raa1n said. ''Ok i will see you guys tomrrorrow'' Sugar said. ''Bye sugar'' Ixy and Raa1n said. As Raa1n and Ixy went back to the classroom there was the poster about Aniah . ''What is this?'' Raa1n said. ''Its a poster about Aniah...Isn't Aniah dead?'' Ixy said. ''Hey don't be rude its say's ''HI WE HAVE PROOF ANIAH IS ALIVE LOOK ON INSTAGRAM ON ANIAH'S PAGE'' Bruh she is dead'' Raa1n yelled. ''We might as well check it,its obvious there won't be anything'' Ixy said. As they checked her Instagram they were in complete shock. ''OMG ANIAH IS ALIVE!!! SHE POSTED 5 MINS AGO AND HER DEATH WAS A WEEK AGO!!!'' Raa1n said. ''We have to tell sugar!!'' ixy said. ''Yeah but she isn't gonna belive use we have to message Aniah on instagram and tell her to come to school so we can tell sugar!'' Raa1n said. ''Thats actually smart not gonna lie'' ixy said. 

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