chapter 5

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<p>Dean held out his palms in surrender and his mind raced trying to figure out what the hell to do. Sam was staring at him like how Dean stared at fresh ribs and that was worrying. His long claws were pointed at the ground and his sharp canine fangs were glistening menacingly as Sam lifted his lip in a snarl. Shit. How was Dean supposed to force Sam into the car and get him to be calm for the rest of a drive? Or a more immediate concern, how was he supposed to convince Sam to not kill him? He bit his lip hard. "Sammy? It's me. Please, you gotta snap out of it, dude. Do you understand anything I'm saying?" Dean desperately asked. Sam cocked his head confusedly and narrowed his eyes calculatingly at Dean. So that was probably a no. Sam sniffed the air and moved forward without taking his eyes off Dean. "Shit. Sam! Don't! It's me, Dean!" Dean exclaimed. He didn't know what to do. He was no match for a werewolf without a gun and he would definitely not be using one on his brother.</p>

<p>Sam hesitated and began moving back, a confused look on his face like he was trying to fight it. Dean grinned widely. "That's it, Sam. You can beat this. You're doing good." He encouraged hopefully. Sam eyed him and hid his claws in his fist. Unsure and cautious, he took several quick steps forward. Dean froze as Sam leaned in and slowly sniffed him. Werewolf or not, that was awkward. Dean could feel sweat rolling down his skin and his heart rate increased. This was it. Sam was either gonna kill him or not. Sam pulled back and scanned Dean's face curiously. Without warning, whatever connection he had made to his brother was lost and Sam knocked him over with enough force that Dean felt his head slightly crack on the street. He sucked in a breath and screeched "Sam, st-!" He was cut off as Sam brought down his hand and sliced his claws across Dean's cheek. His hazel eyes were filled with hate and bloodlust that he knew had to be clouding his brother's mind. His nose was crinkled and his forehead creased. An angry snarl was released through the predatory, fang-filled mouth.</p>

<p>Sam pinned down Dean's arms with his legs and dropped his head. Dean yelped and tried not to scream as Sam sunk his teeth into his upper arm. Right next to the other bite. Dean could feel the blood being licked away and Sam's claws dug deeper into his chest when he pulled away. Dean grunted in pain and gritted his teeth. Sam then yanked Dean's arm off the ground and mercilessly bit near the elbow. Dean actually did scream this time and his eyes were beginning to water. "Sam" he panted as a last attempt. Sam sunk his teeth deeper and his face revealed pure pleasure, relief. Sam opened his eyes and dropped the arm. Dean groaned and blinked several times. Without wiping the dripping blood away from his mouth and chin, Sam backed up on all fours. And his eyes flicked apologetically to Dean. His clawed fingers were splayed across the ground and his bangs were falling in his eyes.</p>

<p>Moaning once more in pain, Dean propped himself up on his elbows and slowly wobbled to his feet. Sam stood too and took a step closer. Preparing for another attack, Dean tensed and waited for Sam to kill him this time. What, was he playing with his food? The thought was bitter, but he possibly had a concussion, his cheek was clawed, and he was bitten twice. He thought he was entitled. Sam got closer and bent his head down. He steadily lowered his neck until his forehead was gently resting on the side of Dean's chest, near the shoulder he had bitten. Dean jumped when Sam whimpered softly and snuggled closer. His hands were dropped to his side and the gesture was awkward and unexpected, but Dean understood its meaning. It was an apology. Dean's heart was pounding harshly in his chest and he was still sweating, but this meant something. For the most part, Sam had gained control. He was obviously still an animal, however.</p>

<p>Dean cupped the back of Sam's head with his hand and whispered "it's okay, Sammy. I forgive you." Sam whimpered again and leaned closer. Sam sniffed and suddenly stilled. He grabbed Dean's wrist and dug the claws into his skin. He yelped and almost pulled away until he realized what was going on. Proving his theory, Sam gripped the wrist like a lifetime and lapped up the dark blood. "You're trying not to kill me. Because you're hungry, right?" He theorized. This was one of those moments he really hoped Sam understood him. At first appearing confused, he eventually nodded uncertainly and released Dean's arm. Dean ignored the sting of his fresh wounds and reached out to Sam. The man flinched, but otherwise remained still. As if trying not to spook a wolf animal, which was exactly what was happening, Dean gripped Sam's upper arm and began walking backwards to the impala. Sam resisted and glanced wildly from Dean's face to his hand.</p>

<p>"Ifs okay, Sammy. We've got to get to Bobby's, remember? C'mon, it's okay." Dean soothed. Sam didn't appear to have understood the words, but followed anyways. When they reached the passenger side, Dean opened the door with a loud creak. Sam wrenched himself from Dean's grip and growled quietly at the car. Dean began to panic because Sam looked like he was ready to bolt. "Hey, hey, hey, it's alright. It's just the door. Come on, Sam, please. Just get in, okay? I know you don't understand me all that well right now, but please, just-" He nervously ran his hands through his hair. Sam shot him an innocent, terrified expression that broke Dean's heart. Dean opened the door wider and Sam stiffened. Dean backed up and stated "alright, Sam. Just watch me get in, then you do it. I'm trusting you, man." He sprinted to the other side and slid into the driver's seat, his heart now hammering painfully. Sam could have ran away in those seconds his eyes were off him. Just as he was about to exit the car and proceed to freak out, Sam carefully flopped down on the seat. </p>

<p>Dean watched him close the door and jump at the noise with immense relief. They could do this. They could make it to Bobby's. Dean shut his door as well and started the engine. Before Sam had a chance to react, Dean reached over and planted a hand on his trembling shoulder. The poor kid seemed to be having a heart attack. Dean had to admit, he never thought he would be calming his werewolf brother down because the engine of his car scared him. He confidently soothed the man with "it's alright, Sammy"'s and "it'll be okay, man"'s. Dean pressed down on the accelerator and got them back on the road. He was a bit shocked when Sam gently lowered his head into Dean's lap in what looked like a slightly uncomfortable position. But hey, whatever calmed him down. Sam's shaking slowly faded as he fell asleep.</p>


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