chapter 12

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<p>The day had been without incident. Sam had turned and eaten several large pieces of meat then successfully turned back, he had been around Ellen without being too bother by the healing wounds on her arms, and he had even smiled several times. It was relaxing and even a little boring. Dean was grateful for the uneventful hours as the hope that their lives hadn't completely crumbled built. The sun had recently set and Dean sat outside of the bathroom as Sam yelled out in pain, though it was not nearly as bad as the night before. When he pawed at the door, Dean grinned and opened it wide. He had a feeling now that Sam wasn't getting as worked up as before, it was easier to stay himself. This was a weird fucking curse. Everything being tied to the man's emotions couldn't have been easy with all he was going through. Sam happily trotted out and down the stairs. Dean trailed him lazily into the living room.</p>

<p>Sam stopped just before entering the room and his tail slowly dropped between his legs. Ellen and Jo were staring shocked and wide eyed at the bushy, brown wolf. Dean could practically feel the waves of fear and humiliation and shame radiating from his brother, so he dropped his hand and scratched between his ears. Sam quickly whipped his head up and licked Dean's hand once. Dean couldn't help but grin widely as he ripped it away and announced "dammit, Sam, that's fucking disgusting." Sam's tongue lolled out of his mouth in a satisfied way. Dean chuckled and playfully pushed his head away. Sam retaliated by growling lightly and nudged his head into his side. Dean barked out laughter and when he lifted his head, Ellen and Jo were watching them with wonder and amusement rather than fear. Jo smirked and sat cross legged on the floor. "C'mere, Sam" she said as she patted her lap welcomely. Sam glanced uncertainly at Jo and made his way to her. Without hesitation, she stroked the fur on his back gently. Sam melted into the petting and flopped to the floor. Jo smiled ecstatically and scratched his ears. Dean strutted to the couch and sat beside Ellen. He watched in relief as Jo calmly sprawled out and ran her fingers through Sam's scruffy neck fur and he seemed to drink in the attention. </p>

<p>"Well how 'bout that" Ellen muttered in slight awe. Dean turned to her to see that she was watching Sam and Jo in fascination. Dean crossed his arms over his chest and explained "he isn't usually you first saw him. As long as there isn't exposed blood and he's eaten, he's basically a giant puppy thanks to the potion. Before that he had no control." He didn't know why the words were spilling out. He just felt a strong urge to defend Sam even as a wolf. Ellen nodded acceptingly and turned her head away from them. "I'm not holdin' a grudge against him. You know that, right?" Ellen assured him. Dean nodded and leaned back comfortably. "I know" he mumbled with a sigh. Dean returned to watching Sam just in time to see him stand. Jo gave him one final pet as he slowly turned around and eyed Ellen. Dean felt himself tense as he leaned forward, prepared to react. Sam stared up at her with large doe eyes as he stalked forward. "Sam" Dean snapped in warning. Sam glanced at him for half a second and returned his eyes to Ellen. "Sammy, don't" Dean pleaded frantically. "Sam, please, no" Jo cautiously said as she got to her feet. Sam ignored them and slowly stepped forward. The room seemed to freeze as Sam stuck his face closer to Ellen and he sniffed. They all bored their eyes nervously into the wolf as he nudged his nose against her arm. He pushed it against the skin and forced it to turn over. He eyed the healing criss-crossed cuts for a moment and Dean felt himself begin to lurch forward as he moved closer to them. He froze when Sam stuck his tongue out, exposing his threatening canines, and licked the thin scabs affectionately. </p>

<p>Everyone in the room gaped at him until he lowered his head and dropped it on Ellen's knee. He stared up at her unblinkingly and whined low in his throat. Still a bit stunned, she reached her hand to him carefully and rubbed his ear. He let his eyes fall shut as he enjoyed the stroking. Dean sank back into his seat with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. Jo had a similar expression from across the room. "It's okay, Sammy. She forgives you." Dean reassured him. Sam gave her hand one last lick and backed up. He trotted with his tail swinging to the rug and curled in a tight ball on it. His breathing evened out as he quickly fell asleep. Dean jumped as Jo unexpectedly snorted. Ellen and Dean both turned to her curiously. She was smiling happily and stated "just a giant puppy." </p>

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