1 - The Move and First Day

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"I wish you didn't have to go!" Tori whines.

"Yeah, but I got a job as the new music teacher. And besides this is now home for us. Right Zoey?"

"Yeah! Mommy says that you can visit us whenever Auntie Tori! And we visit you guys too!" Zoey exclaims. My daughter is now 5 years old, meaning she would be starting kindergarten, but I decided to wait until we moved to Reefside as it's where I got a job. The school year had already started about 3 months ago though and they haven't gotten a new music teacher before I decided to get an interview and got the job from the school board.

"We're gonna miss you." Shane says as I hugged my friends.

"This won't be the last time we talk though. We'll see each other again. We better get moving. We still have to settle in before school tomorrow." It was a Sunday meaning that Monday would be the first day of me teaching, and Zoey's first day of kindergarten.

"Yeah, well, see you around then." We did a group hug before I placed Zoey into the backseat of my car and then got into the drives seat and drove off with my friends waving at us. After about a 2-hour drive, I finally parked the car in the driveway of our new home. I didn't need to worry too much about unpacking any furniture or anything big. Mostly smaller things such as clothes.

"Why don't you go check out your new room?" I suggest to Zoey as I unlocked the front door.

"Okay mommy!" Zoey agrees as she runs off to find her bedroom. It was a nice three-bedroom, 4-bathroom two story beach house. And we were the only house for a good while around. It was perfect.

"Zoey! Cmon, we need to buy groceries!" I yell for my daughter. She runs up to me with a big smile.

"This place is cool mommy! I love my bedroom and we live near the beach!" Zoey comments as she pulls on her shoes again before we set off towards the city in my car to get some groceries. After we bought the groceries, I saw a purple glow.

"Go wait in the car for mommy, okay?" I ask as I unlocked the car.

"Okay mommy." I'm glad she didn't question it. I walked towards the purple glow and saw a glowing rock. I picked it up and I glowed purple for a moment. Then out of nowhere these dinosaur things attacked me.

"Those are definitely not Kelzacks." I muttered as I got into a fighting stance. I then charged at the foot soldiers, first throwing a right hook to the nearest foot soldier. 'I think I've seen these guys on the news but even the media doesn't know the name of these guys.' I thought as I did a side kick. I kicked off one dinosaur thing and did a back flip, kicking another foot soldier. I soon defeated the foot soldiers and left back for my car.

????'s POV

"Guys, come to the lab. Hayley and I need to tell you something. It's important." I inform the four teens. After about 10 minutes, me and Hayley could see the four teens.

"So what's up Dr. O? Hayley? You said it was important?" Conner asks. I nod at Hayley for her to inform them.

"For the past few days, I've been tracking the purple dino gem. And just recently it has changed locations and energy signatures meaning that someone bonded to the gem." Hayley explains.

"We need to find this person before Mesagog does. We have no clue who it could be so keep an eye out on who it could be. They probably aren't aware of the dangers they're now in." I inform them.

"Right." The teens nod.

The Next Day

Layla's POV

"I'm scared mommy." Zoey says as we pulled up to her new school.

"I know you are sweetheart. But I'm sure you'll make some good friends. Try and stay positive alright?"

"O-Okay mommy." I gave her a kiss on the forehead before she climbed out of the car.

"Will you be okay on your own?" I ask.

"Mhm. I'll be fine mommy. I'm big girl now!" Zoey says showing confidence. I chuckled.

"Alright my big girl. Mommy has to go to work. I'll pick you up after school. Bye!" I waved.

"Bye bye mommy." She waved back as I drove off to Reefside High. I soon arrived and started making my way to my new classroom. Surprisingly, I didn't have a first period, so I guess I can prepare a bit and figure out who the rangers could be. As I was lost in thought, I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologized as the person I bumped into helped me up.

"It's fine. I wasn't watching where I was going either." I hear a male voice answer. I looked up and my cheeks turned a slight pink. "Your the new music teacher the school board hired right?"

"Uh, y-yeah. That's me." I smiled, hoping he didn't notice my slight stutter. I missed the way his cheeks turned a slight pink.

"I'm Tommy, Dr. Tommy Oliver. I'm the science teacher." He introduces himself.

"Layla, Layla Smith." I introduced myself.

"Well, see you around then Layla." Tommy smiles.

"Alright, see you Tommy." We then went off on our separate ways to our classrooms.

Time skip to 2nd period

Once the bell for second period rung and all my students were in their seats, I stood up.

"Alright class settle down." I began as the class quieted down. "I will be your new music teacher for the remainder of the year. I'm Ms. Smith. Now are there any questions before we begin today's class? None? Great! I'll then start with some rules and expectations for my class. Then I'll give you an assignment due when you walk in tomorrow morning for my class." I then started explained my rules and expectations of my class before giving them time to work on their assignment. After a while, the bell rung signifying the end of class.

"If you are done, give me your paper and you can leave. If you aren't finished take it home to work on it as homework. I expect it on my desk when you walk into my classroom tomorrow." I inform my students. That's basically how it went for my next four classes.

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