5 - In your dreams

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"Mommy? I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?" I was awoken in the middle of the night to my daughter coming into my room.

"Of course, sweet pea." I tiredly answer and then Zoey climbs into my bed and cuddles me as we went back to sleep. I was unaware that Ethan and Kira had strange dreams, same goes to Tommy, and they believed Mesagog had something to do with it. 


'Huh? Where am I?' I ask myself as I looked around. I saw that I was back in Bridge Creek. The place we moved back to after mom passed in her final battle. Also, the same place where I was a ranger four times before moving to Blue Bay Harbor and then Reefside. I then was attacked by some Tyrannodrones so I fought back, of course. 'I wonder what's going on here... Whatever. Probably some stupid dream for sure.' 

"Hello ranger." I hear a familiar voice of Vex.

"W-What?! But... I destroyed you 5 years ago!" I say in shock.

"Ha! That's what you think. You can never truly get rid of me ranger." Vex then charged at me but I managed to dodge.

"Dino Thunder Power up! Ha!" I shout as I tried morphing. Keyword: tried. "H-Huh?" I was confused.

"Ha! You can't morph and you'll never be able to ranger! Say goodbye ranger."

Kira's POV after Conner woke up

"Guys, I think Ms. S is still sleeping." I informed them.

"She's not waking up, I tried her morpher." Dr. O informs us.

"Any ideas then Dr. O?" Conner asks.

"Maybe we could try something like we did for Conner." Dr. O suggests after a few moments of thinking.

"It's worth a try." Ethan agrees.

"Right." Me and Conner agree. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my morpher to send some of my ranger energy to Ms. S.

Layla's POV back in her Dream

"Woah, what's this?" I ask myself as I suddenly felt stronger. I then looked down at myself and saw that I had morphed into the Purple Dino Ranger.

"What?! How?! You weren't supposed to be able to morph!" Vex yells out in anger.

"I beat you once and I'll beat ya again! Spino Bow!" I then charged at Vex.

"I'll destroy you this time ranger!" I started shooting Vex with my bow and then sent a barrage of punches and kicks mixed in with some shots from my bow. I then destroyed him. "NO! THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO END!" I smirked as I turned around and let him explode behind me. I then felt my eyes water as I remembered my former team before Ninja Storm. 

"I miss you guys..." I mumbled out in sadness.
Dream end

'That was a really weird dream and I hope it never happens again cause I might not be able to sleep for a while.' I think to myself as I looked down at Zoey who was still peacefully sleeping.

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