2 - New Ranger?

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It was after school on the first day of me teaching here. As I packed up, I looked out my classroom window and saw four of my students, Conner, Ethan, Kira, and Trent, I believe if I remember correctly, and my colleague, Tommy.

They seemed to be in a rush as they ran straight out of the school building. I wondered why they would be in such a rush before it hit me. They were the new power rangers! Of course. If a monster was attacking, they would need to get there as soon as possible so they would have to run to said location as fast as possible, or drive. So of course, they would be in a rush. To save the world! I smiled at the thought. I had a feeling that none of them made the technology though. I mean, Tommy definitely didn't seem like someone who could make the morphers, plus I'm pretty sure the morphers were already ready when they bonded to their dino gems. Which left me to believe that a civilian knows about them being rangers and made them their ranger technology. It was the only logical conclusion.

I finished packing up my things before heading out. Since I taught at a high school, they get out earlier then the elementary students, so it would be a few hours till I had to pick up Zoey. I decided to explore the city a bit and while doing so, I found a place called Hayley's Cyberspace, so I decided to check it out. As I walked in, it looked amazing.

As I looked around, I decided to get something because why not?""Hello! Your new around here, aren't you?" A red head woman asks me

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As I looked around, I decided to get something because why not?"

"Hello! Your new around here, aren't you?" A red head woman asks me.

"Ah, yes. Yes, I am."

"Well then, welcome. I'm Hayley. Can I get you anything?" She asks as she led me over to an empty table.

"I'll take a lemonade and some fries please." I asked kindly.

"Of course. It'll be ready in a few." Hayley then left to get my order ready as I took out my diary.

Dear Dairy,
Hey, again! It's me Layla. It's been about a month I think since I last wrote here. I've been busy. Me and Zoey moved into a beach house on the outskirts of Reefside. I'm also the new teacher at Reefside High! It's quite exciting if you ask me.

I'm glad we defeated Lothor about 3 months ago. He really was annoying like any other villain I've faced before. I do miss the gang from Blue Bay Harbour but I'm starting a new chapter in life! I hope I don't become a ranger again anytime soon.

I'm still somewhat recovering after Lothor was defeated. He was a tough one for sure. Oh, and Sensei Hokusai gave me a job at the Winter Ninja Academy to help out whenever I want! I'll probably help out during summer though, and maybe help out around the Thunder and Wind Ninja Academies as well!

I'm planning on visiting Pai Zuhg eventually. Maybe Master Mao could use an extra hand teaching the new cubs or something. I also still await the day Mentor Ji sends the arrow to call myself and the other Samurai Rangers into battle against Master Xandred. Oh! And before I forget, I found this purple gem like thing the other day. I don't know what it is but using my ninja senses, they tell me that it's connected to the morphing grid, meaning I'm probably gonna be a ranger once again! I also believe that my four students, Conner, Ethan, Kira, and Trent, and my colleague, Tommy, are the newer rangers. I wonder who made their tech since Tommy doesn't seem like the guy to make ranger tech. Anyways, I should go. Zoey will be getting out of school soon and my fries and lemonade is here!

Talk to you soon Dairy,

I closed my Dairy and started eating, unaware that Hayley had a small peak in my Dairy.

Hayley's POV

"And here you go." I smiled at the girl in front of me.

"Thank you." She smiles back before going back to write in her book of hers. Might be a dairy. I accidentally took a small peek and saw "purple dino gem" in there and "Conner, Ethan, Kira, Trent, and Tommy". As I walked back behind the counter, I wondered if she had the purple dino gem and why the ranger's names were in there.

Lay's POV

After I finished and payed for my small meal, I started heading out. I checked the time and saw I still had two hours before Zoey got out of school. As I made it to downtown Reefside, I was attacked by the dinosaur things again. Just like when I first found the dino gem. As I fought, the other rangers came, and I decided to try and escape. Keyword: try. A monster came and was firing a laser a me, but I put my arms up to try and defend myself when this light purple shield like thing appeared.

"Woah." I mumble. It was kinda like my Ninja Powers. I quickly got back into a fighting stance before charging at the monster. The other rangers saw that I was in trouble since I was losing so they came over to me and started fighting the monster while the black ranger came over to me.

"Are you alright miss?" The black ranger asks as he helps me up.

"Yes, thank you Tom-sir. I'll leave you and your friends to it." I then quickly went to get somewhere safe as I didn't have a morpher.

Tommy's POV

"Are you okay Miss?" I ask the woman and saw that it was the new music teacher, Layla.

"Yes, thank you Tom-Sir. I'll leave you and friends to it." She then ran off to somewhere safe probably. I decided not to ponder on it for now and fought the monster. Unfortunately, we were losing, and it wasn't exactly a pretty sight.

Layla's POV

As I hid, I saw the rangers were losing, and it was pretty bad. I knew I had to do something, I couldn't stay here and watch. Plus "once a ranger, always a ranger". I saw the monster about to shoot a laser at the rangers, but I jumped in last minute to protect them and managed to use my new power to protect us.

"What?! Pesky human? I'll destroy you!"

"Not a chance." I say, definingly. I stood up and got into a fighting stance before charging the monster. I may not have my ranger powers, but I would never go down without a fight.

Tommy's POV

We were about to be destroyed when Layla jumped in last minute to protect us. My eyes widen under my helmet, and I'm sure everyone else had the same reaction too. When the smoke cleared, we saw a purple shield in front of her. We all sighed in relief, knowing she was okay. But I still had so many questions in my head. But one stood out the most, "Why is she so familiar?"

"What?! A pesky human? I'll destroy you!"

"Not a chance." Layla answers firmly as she got into a fighting stance, that seemed familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it, and she charged at the monster. As she fought, I realized she was losing and me and the others were still exhausted from earlier. We needed more time to recover but Layla was losing. I then remembered something.


"Tommy." Hayley says as I entered the lab.

"Yeah? What's up Hayley?" I ask confused.

"I made a morpher for whoever has the purple dino gem." Before Hayley could say more, the alarms went off and we saw that Layla was fighting some Tyrannodrones.

"Take this, I have a feeling she has the purple dino gem. Call it... a hunch." Hayley tells me. "I'll call the others to let them know Tommy."


Flashback End

If Hayley was right, then there was one way to test it.

"Hey! Catch!" I yelled out to them who looked over and I tossed the morpher and their eyes lit up like someone who just received the best Christmas present ever. I slowly got up and went to help the teens. I saw Layla strap her the morpher to her wrist and she started talking.

Layla's POV

"Hey! Catch!" I hear the black ranger, Tommy, yell. I looked back and he tossed me something. My eyes definitely lit up when I saw what it was. I then grinned as I stood up.

"What?" The monster was confused as I slapped the dino gem into the morpher.

"You know what time it is? I ask with a smirk.


"It's morphing time! Dino Thunder Power Up, ha!" I shout as I morphed. "Feels good to be back in business." I smirked under my helmet.

"What?! Another ranger?" The monster asks as I rolled my eyes as I charged at the monster.

"Time to test out my new weapon! Spino Bow!" I call out with my right hand outstretched. The bow then materializes in my outstretched hand. "Now that's what I call, dino power." I then started shooting arrows at the monster, and I was having a blast. I may have a small grudge against any monsters but it's still fun. Sometimes.

"I'll destroy you then I'll destroy your friends."

"Not if I destroy you first! Spino Bow, Final Attack!" I shout as I used my bow to land the final attack on the monster. "Now that's a dino win." I grin to myself. The monster grows, like always, and I saw a Brachiosaurus Zord and out came three zords. Tyrannosaurus, Pterodactyl, and a Triceratops in the colors, Red, Yellow, and Blue. I smiled under my helmet. Once the big guy was defeated, they all demorphed in front of me.

"So my guess was correct." I mutter as I demorphed myself.

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