Chapter 10

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Maxon POV

I wake up to a loud thud and the cries of my children. I look up to find my son not in my arms and America sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. A cut on her forehead is the cause of the blood on the floor. 

I quickly get up and move her into my arms on the floor. I feel myself move to the verge of tears. 

"Help! I need some help in here!" A nurse comes rushing in and takes in the situation. She quickly comes over to us and tells me to move her to the bed. I do as I'm told and move America to the bed. I then go over to my crying children and attempt to calm them down. Great, a new thing to add to my list of crying things I can't handle, babies.

I find the room getting crowded as two more nurses come in. I turn to the nurse that is nearest to me.  

 "Could you go get Mrs. Singer and Marlene, and quickly?"  She turns back to me and nods.             

"Of course, Your Majesty." She then walks out of the room as I pull my attention back to the situation at hand. We have to call Marlee Marlene around other people so my father doesn't get suspicious. If he ever found out that I gave Marlee and Carter jobs in the palace I would be punished.

I look over to America in her bed. One nurse is taking care of the cut on her head while the other checks if she got hurt any where else. From the looks of it she hadn't. 

Just as I was about to focus back on my children Marlee and Mrs. Singer come rushing into the room. 

"What the heck happened?" Mrs. Singer asks in a daze.

"I don't know. I-I was asleep in the chair and I woke up to a thud. When I opened m-my eyes America was on the floor unconscious and the babies were doing what they are doing now. I-I can't stop their crying. I can't help America. I can't do anything right."                                                  Mrs. Singer moved a comforting hand to my cheek and smiled. 

"You are doing your best. I bet you don't have much experience with crying children, just as you had, or still do, with crying women?" She move over to my children and waves me over with her. I see Marlee move over to America to make sure she is okay first hand. I turn my attention back to Mrs. Singer and nod.

"You would be correct on that part. But I do have to ask, how do you know that I can't handle crying women?" She picks up my daughter and hands her top me.

"The last eight months were very long for America. Celeste was back in Clermont, Aspen was here, as well as Marlee and all of her maids, plus you." I look up to her. "She had no one to talk to. Kenna was with her family and May is to young to understand what she is going through, then her father, I was her outlet. We really grew closer these past months. When she had questions I answered them best I could. There were a lot of 'why's' I'll tell you that. Anyway, hormonal America talked a lot about people she missed and/or loves. You were almost always the main topic. She told me pretty much everything that happened during the Selection. You not handling crying women was just in the first weeks of her pregnancy."

 I chuckled. 

"Why do I kind of want to meet hormonal America?" 

"Trust me sweetheart, you don't." I laughed again and looked down at my now sleeping child. 

"Wow, when did she-?"

"A while back. Babies tend to like rocking and the sound of voices. They just sent this little one to sleep." I gently put her back in her crib. I looked back to America to see the nurses talking to Marlee. 

"How is she?" I ask with worry.

"She will be fine, Your Majesty. She has a mild concussion and stiches on her forehead, otherwise there are no farther injuries. I will talk to the doctor tomorrow, but my recommendation would be complete bed rest. I wouldn't want her to injure herself further." I nod.                                                                                                                                                                                          

"When will she wake up?"                                                                                                                                                  

"Not till morning, so get some sleep, Your Majesty. Would you like me to set up a cot in here?"       

"That would be great." She nods and walks off. I slowly rub my temples and sigh. Apparently it was noticeable because a hand caresses over my back.

"Maxon, how about you go shower and get cleaned up, then come back, Magda and I will stay here until you get back."                                                                                                                                                    

"No, I'll be fine. You two go get som-."                                                                                                                         

"Maxon, dear, that wasn't really a question. Go get cleaned up then come back." Mrs. Singer says with a smile.     

 "Fine, I'll be back in less then twenty minutes. Have someone come and get me if anything happens, anything." They both nod in unison and I go up to my room. 

Twenty minutes later I'm back in the blank hospital room next to America. I feel tears coming down my face, and I don't care. I can't help but feel that all of the pain America went through was because of me.... I decide that I should go to bed. Tomorrow would not be fun and I need all the rest I can get. I look at the side table clock one more time before I close my eyes and think. 2:00am-6:00am, four hours, I'll be good.                                                                                                                    

I find myself drifting off until sleep fully over takes me. 

Okay so I brought a little juice to the party, don't judge. Is it just me or do you guys like to get into Maxon's head sometime? Just me? Okay... I also put a little insight on what happened during Americas pregnancy. I mostly did that because I totally skipped over that all. Sorry not sorry:) I also felt that America and her Mom needed a stronger relationship and when better to grow that when you are hormonal and moody and as big as a house, plus the many other struggles that come with pregnancy. Just a cutos to you mothers, I appreciate you more. #GoMoms. What are your thoughts so far?


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