Chapter 11: Lunch!

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[Redrew Hajime in Geko form because I don't like the old one anymore]

HELLOOO EVERYONE! I'm happy to be updating again! I took a long break because I've been busy with life and low on motivation but now I'm back and you can expect new chapters in all my published fanfics. (I'd be happy if you checked them out but you don't have to if you don't want to) Okay! Now let's start this chapter! WOOOOO :D

Me and Chiaki continued to walk to the rooftop in silence. It was a very nice silence that seemed calming. Chiaki overall just seemed to have a calming atmosphere that surrounded and followed her wherever she went.

As we ascended the stairs Sonia came up behind us and surprise hugged Chiaki almost dragging her down the stairs, but thankfully Nagito was behind Sonia and helped Chiaki stand up straight.. well not straight because she's a lesbian.. but.. like- you know what I mean!

'Nagito is truly a life saver... UGH NO! STOP IT HAJIME! HE IS A HUMAN! but.. he's still hot.... NO!- Ugh... Nagito why'd you have to do this to me?'

I was brought out of my thoughts when Nagito suddenly spoke, "Like what you see, Hajime? You've been staring."

"shit," I mumbled under my breath.

I looked away from him.

He suddenly looked like the greatest idea in the world had just come to him. A mischievous smirk then slowly made its way across his lips. He then began to throw sentences one after another to try and make me blush. Well, blush more than I currently was.

"Awwwe, Hajime stop being such a tsundere."

"Hajime, I know you love me."

"Do you want the beautiful knight in shining armor to rescue you next?"

"Oh, don't ignore your true love! That's so mean."

"Of course you'd fall for the handsome stranger you met only a few days ago."

He began laughing sadly at the last thing he said and paused for a moment before he spoke again, "Actually I could see why you wouldn't fall for me. I bet you probably are disgusted at the thought of loving trash like me..."

"You're not trash, Nagito," I scolded him, now turning my gaze to meet his.

"Okay, lovebirds, we're at the roof so stop flirting and eat your lunches," Sonia laughed then ran out ahead of us to a spot on the roof. She began to take out her packed lunch that consisted of two halves of a sandwich, an apple, and some ranch with carrots.

Me and Chiaki looked at each other with slightly saddened faces, both of us knew I couldn't love Nagito without running a risk of either or both of us being killed or taken by scientists. Well actually the last possibility is just for me...

"Haha... yeah let's just eat our lunches," Nagito said to us with a smile but his tone of voice didn't match his happy-looking face.

His eyes also do I put this? Sad? Worried? It was like I could tell something was on his mind that seemed to bring his mood down.

I was as if sadness clouded his beautiful green eyes. Almost like how fog covers up flower fields, making them seem dull and empty.

"Yeah, let's just eat," Chaiki agreed with him and then proceeded to sit down beside Sonia.

"Right," I said absentmindedly and walked over to them and began eating my pb&j sandwich with an orange and a soda.

Nagito walked over to us and sat beside us.

I looked over at him and realized he didn't have a lunch.

"Hey, Nagito, do you have a lunch?" I asked him, worried clearly visible in my voice.

"Oh, worthless trash like me doesn't deserve to eat with talented and hope filled people such as yourselves," He laughed and hugged himself.

"You're not trash and you need to eat some lunch," I demanded and cut my sandwich in half.

"Here, eat this. It's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich," I offered him the sandwich but he didn't touch it.

"One who's only use in life is for being a steppingstone for hope would never take away nutrition of someone so filled with hope," he then mumbled something under his breath, "and good looks."

"Just take it!" I protested.

"Oh, and I'm allergic to peanuts." He mention with an innocent looking smile.

"Oh coarse you are," I sighed, feeling defeated.

"Nagito can have some of my lunch" Chiaki spoke up.

I looked over to see what she had brought. Her lunch consists for of a kale salad, an Avacado tea sandwich (if you don't know what it is then look it up. It's amazing), and some celery with hummus on each stick.

"No, I'm truly alright," Nagito replied.

"Nagito, you like like a walking stick. Besides I packed too much and I wouldn't want anything to go to waste," Chaiki stated sternly, handing him half of her lunch on some napkins Sonia brought.

"If you insist... I hate the idea of wasting food too so I'll consent to your request," Nagito finally gave in and began eating with the rest of us.

We finished out lunches and began to get ready for our next classes.

Me, Nagito, Gundham, and Kazuichi all shared the next class so we met up with them at Kaz's locker and began walking to class.


Classes ended when the final bell rang. A rush of students left the school. Some grouped together with friends outside the building, others just went home.

Nagito, Chiaki, and I had our last class together so we left the school together and met up with Sonia, Gundham, and Kazuichi outside.

It turns out Gundham and Kazuichi shared all their classes together just like me and Nagito. So, that's cool I guess. Especially for Kaz since he seems to have taken a liking to Gundham. I'm happy for him! He's always been like a little brother figure to me so I'm glad he's finally making friends that are human....

Woah! Out of character moment there. Blah! Since when did I get so cheesy with things like that? Well, I guess I have been quite emotional lately so it sorta makes sense.. god I feel old now.

I looked over at Nagito who was in conversation with Sonia over some sort of argument about what the best breakfast food was. He looked so... dreamy. It's hard not to stare at him...

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and turned to see who the hand belonged to.

Chiaki greeted me with a small smile that turned into a slight frown quickly which caught me a bit off guard. 

"Hajime we need to talk."


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I made it a little longer than I usually do to try and make up for the lack in updates. Thank you all for waiting on my return!

I love you all and hope you have a good day/night!

Stay safe, drink some water, remember hygiene exists, and remember you're loved and worth it!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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