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Clover's pov

I got on the Hogwarts express late, Pansy decided to sleep over at Blaise's and I never woke up, I got into the crowd passing from compartment to compartment hoping I'd see my friends in one of them, I suddenly felt a warm grip on my wrist pulling me into one pf the compartments, until I saw him, my ex, Mattheo Riddle.

He lifted me making me sit on the table and turned around, he shut the door and the curtain and got closer to me, he rested one hand on my bare thighs squeezing them gently, "hi baby" he said cupping my face, it was weird, I have seen him this summer a lot of times but he never got that close to me since we broke up.

"Hi Mattheo" I said awkwardly, he kissed the side of my lips going all the way down to my neck while kissing me tenderly, "I missed you" he said between kisses" I put my hand in his hair scratching his scalp, "Mattheo" I moaned, I opened my eyes to see Tom behind him looking at us at the door frame, "Mattheo-" I moaned, this time not in pleasure but in shock and embarrassment, Matt turned around and gulped from the surprise.

"I don't think it's a great idea for you two to hook up again, especially on the first day back, you two have history with making the whole environment uncomfortable" he chuckled but then his facials went back to being serious, "now Matt if you can excuse us I need to talk to Clover" Matt furiously got out of the compartment as his brother just mirrored what he did earlier, closed the compartment's door shut like the curtains and came closer to me, he wrapped his hands around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder, "too much drama for the first day huh?" He chuckled kissing my forehead.

"What were you doing yesterday with Theo?" Tom asked me not breaking eye contact, "nothing we were just um- having a movie night, Kaliyah and Malfoy were supposed to show up but something came up" I lied, we were setting Lorenzo and Belle on a date but since she was his sister, and he doesn't want her to date I swore to I wouldn't tell him.

"Don't let Mattheo touch you again, I don't like it when he does" he said holding my chin up to look him directly in the eyes, I couldn't reply, I was too caught up in the moment, he got closer to me until our lips were soo close, we were breathing the same air, "do you understand me?" He asked as his tight grip on my chin went to my throat choking me, I unawarely nodded, "good girl" he brushed his lips against mine and went away opening the compartments door

"are you coming?" He asked turning around, "yes I am" I went towards him, with every step forward his perfume would tingle my nose, I was standing in front of him, facing him, feeling his eyes burn on my skin as he was towering me, "something is wrong Clover?" I snapped out of it, "no let's go"

We went to the compartment where our friends were waiting to see Lorenzo and Belle already fighting, "she is my sister now get your claws off of her" Tom greeted on his teeth, me and he sat next to Malfoy as Belle and Lorenzo continued fighting, "how do they know each other?" He whispered to me, "I don't know" I smiled.

"She is right mate get in the bag" Blaise said coming in, "there is no space for all of us anyways so we have to sacrifice you" I said, Lorenzo got back in the bag continued whining about it, "so Theo and Clover told me you didn't enjoy your date Belle" I gulped, Tom looked at me deadly when I turned my eyes away immediately.

"Spill" he greeted on his teeth to Belle, I caressed his leg with my hand trying to calm him down which seemed to work, "I think you need to spill dear brother"  Belle said looking at my leg as the whole compartment paid attention to him and I.

"There is nothing here to spill" Tom said.

"Well you know we wouldn't judge if you too are banging, yes Tom is a professor but we won't snitch" Pansy winked at me.

"Clover has a thing for Riddles I see first Matt now Tom maybe next year you are next Belle" Kaliyah elbowed Belle.

"My pleasure" Belle said licking her lips seductively and greeted her teeth together wildly

"I am not into Riddles and there is nothing going on here,  we are just best friends" I said re assuring them, it was true, we were just close that's all, wasn't it the case? After what happened in that compartment.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are now my teacher?" I whispered in his ears aggressively, "why didn't you tell me you set my sister up with Berkshire?" I stayed still, I didn't dare answer him, "give me a reason why I shouldn't punish you right now" he whispered harshly his hand on my thighs, his grip was warm and firm, he went further until his hand was under my skirt, "maybe I'll punish you after all" he smirked biting my ear.

"Tom don't do this" I looked at him, "do what?"
"We agreed this can never happen again"
"we will see about that baby, for now don't be a bad girl and let anyone touch you, am I clear?"

What have I got myself into?

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