Three - Emily

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I woke up in a different room from my hospital room at the Mafia base. It had gray painted walls and a modern yet aesthetic vibe to it. I vaguely remember this room but my head is pounding and remembering is the last thing on my list to do. 

I threw the blankets to one side revealing my matching black pajama bottoms to match my button down pajama shirts. I swing my legs to the edge of the bed as I examine the black brace encasing my knee. I try to stand as a sharp pain shoots through my leg but dwindles down to a doable throbbing.

Pain means nothing to me, especially the amount I have endured from my father and Mafia training. I limp out the tall black door with rectangular white frosted windows. I look left then right down a hallway seeing no presence of anyone. It suddenly hits me that this is one of our other lavish houses. We have many spread across our region we control but this is one of the two nicest ones.

 I take a couple more steps down the hall but get spooked by a sharp pain in my abdomen. I fell to the ground with a thud, knowing in the back of my head that someone heard it. I am fairly light but also muscular so when I do fall I make a noise unfortunately. I see Kai jog over to me and crouch down to get closer to my level.

"Your lucky Scarlett is asleep. Your little incident almost put her into a breakdown." He says bluntly with a note of concern.

"Ow" I respond as I flip over to my back facing the ceiling.

"What in the actually fuck where you thinking, you could've ripped your stitches" He says with notes of irritation. I was never the sister to listen or follow the rules. I would rebel and fight to my death. I loved combat and fighting gave me a rush of adrenaline that I craved and loved.

"Come on, let's get you back to bed. I will go and get Mason '' He said irritated as he picked me up bridal style. I wince at the pain coming from my abdomen as he picked me up and he gave me a concerned look.

He laid me gently back in my original spot on my bed and I released another wince of disapproval and pain.

"Is it that bad because I know you a fucking beast when it comes to pain Em" He questions as he raise is eyebrows in questioning and slight confusion.

"My abdomen is throbbing but I can't tell if it is from the surgery or not '' I explain as he slips the comforter back over me.

"At least you are aware and remember which is a good sign" He treasures me.

"I am going to go get Mason, '' Kai announced as he walked out of my room.

I try not to concentrate on the pain in my abdomen but it was too overwhelming. I was tempted to look under the bandage again, when Mason walked in with a considered look on his face yet had to look emotionless at the same time which was impressive, not to mention hot.

"I heard someone almost ripped their stitches out" he expresses as he switches his tone to sarcastic because he knows I like when we joke around.

"That sounds like me" I reply back matching his playful sarcastic tone. I grab right over the area where my incision was and wince in pain again. Mason walks faster over to the bed sitting down right next to me on the edge of the bad.

"What hurts? '' He asks now in a concerned tone.

"Around my incision and stitches" I reply grimacing in pain.

He gently lifts the bottom half of my night shirt on the side of the bandage. He delicately peels back the rectangular bandage to reveal the line of neat stitches but now with red irritation smeared around the outside of it. I get queasy at the sight of it and I can tell Mason can sense it as he gently lowers the bandage back over the stitches and flips my shirt back down.

"I will be right back with something for that. Don't move" He instructs me sternly. I follow his instructions and stay put wishing the pain would just go away. Mason returns a couple minutes later with a glass of water and pills.

"Take these" He instructs in a blank tone trying not to show emotion because I can tell he is holding back rage and sympathy even though he knows I love when he is himself around me.

"Why so tense Mr. tough guy" I say in a playful tone after finishing the water and taking the pills.
"You scared the fucking daylights out of me Emily. You are almost dying and then almost ripping your stitches. I care about you. More than you know and can comprehend so when you got hurt again I was devastated and enraged with myself because I let the abuse continue and I let the abuse almost kill you." He explains in a frustrated tone as his eyes gloss over with tears a little.

"Emily I love you. I love all of you and I would kill myself knowing I was the reason you died if it had happened" He says in a solum tone.

I pull him into a kiss not holding back any of my pent up emotion and feelings for him. I pull away gently and stare into his bright green eyes.

"I love you more Mason Diaz" I respond with a smile

"Impossible" he replies returning my smile and planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

He gently lays me back down as he lays next to me. I lay my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. I allow myself to let In and embrace the butterflies. He strokes my arm softly and kiss the top of my head every so often.

"When can I start training again?" I whisper to him wanting to feel the adrenaline from sparing and pain in my muscles from working out. I loved when the purposeful fear was from me and my personal intention because it distracted me from the pain cased upon me from my father.

"When we get you back to normal. In about a week if you follow my rules" He utters to me with his eyes closed embracing me in his protective hold.

"I can't wait to get my shit rocked again by you in sparring " he reports playfully with smirk.

"You bet your ass I will rock your shit right out of you" I reply back matching his sarcastic tone.

"I love you baby girl" He says in a soft tone as he kisses the top of my head again. I love when he uses his cute nicknames for me because he knows it makes me feel good and special.

"I Love you more" I reply letting his comfort and hold push me into the peacefulness of sleep.

"Impossibly " I hear him say lightly as I let the final bits of wrath consume me into sleep.  

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