Chapter Fourteen.

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"For freedom!" I whisper-yell a chant as I throw myself out the window, eyes widening when I realize I'm much higher up than I thought.

The wind gets knocked out of me midair as I fall, looking for anything to land on so I don't die. It only takes a second for me to realize there's nothing below me to fall on except land.

I don't get enough time to scream before landing on the ground with the balls of my feet, launching me into a small tumble forward.

Thank you childhood fears, for making me research how to land safely while jumping out a second-story window.

But despite what the internet said, you know, because the internet's always right; I felt a sharp pain in my legs, a burning sensation racking through the bones.

"At least I didn't break my spine or anything," I groan, hobbling towards the surrounding forest after getting up from the ground in an attempt to get some distance between me and the Dimitrescu murder house.

While walking, I also try to find Karl or some sign of him. Maybe he'd ran into the forest or something like I had. My nerves were only getting worse the longer it took for me to hear from him.

I have no idea where he could even be. The last time I saw him a long ass claw was impaling his stomach, yet he seemed more focused on something else.

"Karl..." I mumbled his name, wishing it would summon him in some way. He was the only person I could feel safe around in this village, and that's not a good thing when I'm separated from him.

My vision is still blurred and I use passing trees to help me walk, my legs burning and head pounding.

I look down at my arms for the first time since I got attacked by demonic dolls and vampires to see how terrible they really are. Three giant bite marks were leaking blood, scratches surrounding the wounds with slivers of wood stuck inside.

"Those freaks," I shudder, starting to feel the pain of my arms now that I've acknowledged it.

I'm done with this village, why am I still even here?

I look up to see that night is starting to approach and sigh, sitting against a random tree for a moment of rest. My head is only getting worse, and I need to stop the bleeding in my arms.

I take my loose jacket off, immediately feeling the chill of the air. I rip off the sleeves and wrap them around my wrists, letting my head hit the wood behind me with a sigh. "It's been a long ass day..."

I make sure not to fall asleep outside and vulnerable, but I do allow myself to close my eyes for a moment. Taking a breather was necessary after everything that happened.

I also try to think about where Karl would be if he was just impaled. Not the forest apparently, that's for sure.

Would he go back home? Maybe follow Dimitrescu?

I shake my head, focusing on the things I know. He hates people seeing him weak. Donna betrayed his trust. Alcina took me away and he has no idea of where I am to get me back.

He's at home.

I stand up, wobbling a little as I try and get my head on straight. I can do this... yeah.

With continued help from trees, I find my way back to the factory with minimal issues since we'd been traveling the forests for spare parts recently.

Karl needed them for side projects he was working on for the factory and his army.

When the large building came into sight I sped up a little, jogging lazily towards the familiar place I'd called home for the past month.

I see the entrance and head in with relief, using walls and railings to go down on the elevator and reach Heisenberg's workroom.

It was a rather dirty space but only because of clutter like papers and books. I assume he'd be there if he was trying to heal and think of ways to save me with some idiotic plan.

"Karl? Karl!" I use what little voice I have to find the door and burst into it, my eyes glossing over the space to see that I had guessed wrong for the first time since I'd been here.

My heart sinks, realizing that if he wasn't in the factory at all I would have to wait to find him, since I needed to take care of myself urgently, or else I wouldn't be around to help find him much longer.

I leave the study and head towards my old bedroom; which was a safe space of sorts that I used on rare occasion.

I open the door only to pause, looking down at a body on my bed; a calloused hand holding onto a map while their figure curled up to fit nicely on the mattress I'd stolen from another villager's house.


He quickly sits up, head spinning around. "Right! I've gotta get y/n. Wheres y/—" Karl looked over at me as he spoke and I smiled weakly, more tears boiling over.

Letting them slip down my dirty face when his mouth hung open was easy, and my bleeding arms flew out to embrace the mans bulky figure tightly. I didn't speak as I did, all I could do was cry into him, feeling more safe right here in his arms than I had these entire past few hours.

"y/n? How did you— but you were missing..." Karl became a man of confusion, his hands pulling on my clothes as if to make sure I wasn't some type of hallucination. "Buttercup!"

When he realized it was really me, his arms wrapped around my body tighter, head nuzzling into my chest making my face heat up.

I didn't say anything, he probably had no idea of what he was doing to me.

After a few minutes of hugging, I was reminded that I needed to get a first aid kit or something for my bleeding.

"Uh... do you think we might have some bandages?" I questioned, showing the man my arms and how ruined and bloodied they were.

Karl took my wrists, looking over the injuries. I heard a small growl, his grip tightening. "Ich werde sie alle töten."

I lean my head forward on his shoulder when he starts speaking a language I don't know, relaxing completely since I knew he'd keep me safe. "What are you saying? Trying to seduce me you fucker?"

He laughs a little, hand moving up to stroke the back of my hair. "Could you blame me if I were?"

I smile, enjoying the small banter we were having as the two of us blocked out all the problems that seemed to explode in our face. But there was no way we could ignore them for long.

"Karl, what happened?"

. . .

-This chapter took a minute, I'm sorry. My aunt passed away the other day and I've been dealing with some stuff.

Translation for "Ich werde sie alle töten": I'll kill them all.

Dimension Jump | Karl HeisenbergWhere stories live. Discover now