First Meeting

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This is my first story Im writing and hopefully not the last! ALL CREDITS GO TO mcyt_poggers.honk ON TIKTOK (they made the story and said it was okay for me to write it in my version type thing). I write almost all the chapters at like midnight so they might suck, I honestly hope it's somewhat good. I also have no idea how much Ill post a new chapter (most chapters are pretty short Im sorry) . Also, in this story DNF is a thing and there's a creator house with *SOME* of the dsmp. There's also a lot of talking and short thinking so i'm sorry for that. :/

I don't think i'll be putting A/N in chapters idrk jsjsj but anyways-
Have fun reading! :)


I'm sitting in my room on my comfortable queen-sized bed scrolling through my brother's friends' Twitter accounts. Tommy wants me to meet them tomorrow at the group house, but I have no idea at all how they are going to be like. Not gonna lie, I'm worried. What if they don't like me? What if they are rude? What if they see my scars...

ENOUGH WITH THE "WHAT-IF"S. It'll be okay. I think.

After I press on one of Tommy's friends' Twitter I hear,

"Hold on, I'll be right back" It was Tommy, he was playing Minecraft with his friends, I guess. Maybe I should meet them now, see how they are like. I leave my bedroom and walk into Tommy's room. I step right in front of his PC and take a deep breath. Okay, I'm ready. I put on Tommy's headset.


"Woahhh- Who's that?"  Someone said.

"Yo.. Is that Tommy's sister?" Dream asked. I've talked to dream a few times before.

"Y-Yeah. It's Elle." I said shyly.

"Well, hello Elle, I'm George. Dream's boyfriend."

"Hi, Elle, I'm Karl." I could tell Karl was blushing, it made me smile.

"Hey! I just wanted to say hi because Tommy is taking me to the group house tomorrow and I wanted to see what you guys  were like."

"ELYSSA!" Tommy yelled.

"Uh oh- Bye!" I ran to my room and slammed the door shut.

I felt better now knowing that they seemed nice. I changed into plaid pajama pants, a black t-shirt, and headed to bed.

~ Time Jump - the next morning ~

I woke up the next morning and take a shower. After my shower I brushed my long, dirty blond, hair and change into leggings and a t-shirt. I look down at my arms and sigh, and put on a hoodie. I walk downstairs to eat some breakfast and see Tommy eating a piece of toast.

"Good morning." I say as I grab a pop tart.

"Morning" Tommy says with a mouth full. We finish our breakfast in silence and once we're about to leave I grab the keys and tell him that I'm driving.

"Why can't I ever drive?" He complained.

"Because you'll probably end up killing us."


~ Time Jump - In the car ~

After we get onto the road I started to worry again, "They're nice, right?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, but sometimes crazy."


"If you have a bad feeling tell me so we can go home."

"No, no, no. I'm fine, I doubt they'll be anything like Brenden."

"Okay but Elle-"

"No. I'll be fine." Ever since Tommy found out my ex used to abuse me he's been super protective, it's okay but it gets too much at times. We pull into the driveway and I walk behind Tommy as he opens the door.

"ELLO MATES!" Tommy yells.

"Hey!" George and Dream called.

"Hi, I'm Elle."

"Hi." I could tell Karl was blushing again, and I silently chuckled to myself.

"So, you know everyone here but Nick, right?" Tommy asked.

"Pretty sure,"

"Hi, I'm Nick."

"Hey." I caught Karl staring at me then he quickly looked away, I smiled. It was cute.

"Elle, can I talk to you?" Dream asked.

"Mhm." We walked into another room, this room was different then the front room, it was like an office, but yet a storage room at the same time.

"You play Minecraft, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to join the Dream SMP, and come live here with your brother. You would have your own room, but first we'd have to fix it up."

"Oh my gosh- Yes!" I exclaimed.

"Let's go tell the others then."

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