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Today, Prince Sehun and his royal defenders that left had started their training

Chorong, Bomi, Eunji, Namjoo and Hayoung also volunteered to join hands with some experiences they had in martial arts and self defence



Dush! Dush! Dush!

Suho inclined against the tree trunk, watching Chorong throwing punches and kicked on the innocent punching bag

Suho-So, when are we practicing the swords huh?
Chorong-Swords? Who needs weapon when I can just punch those idiots right on their faces

Dush! Dush! Dush!

She proceeded punching the bag

Suho-Well, everyone needs a weapon though. You are not fighting bird, they are mythical creature with a demigod as their king. Your punches cannot save your life
Chorong-Are you sure Mr Ocean-blue eyes? I believe in some circumstances, you might lose your sword; broke or worse, slipped off from your grip
Suho-That never happened
Chorong-If could happen here on Earth because surely, the gravity is higher here

Suho folded his arms across his chest

Chorong-No, you got what I'm trying to say. I mean, if you lose your weapon at least you still have yourself to fight. That's why self-defence is important

Chorong shrugged

Suho-Very well
Chorong-Great. You agree
Suho-Then what about you teach me self-defence and I teach you how to use sword?
Chorong-Sounds good



Chanyeol-So, I heard you can do archery and also martial art. Which one are you better at?
Bomi-Sorta both
Chanyeol-Great. Take this

Chanyeol threw a set of bow and arrows to Bomi

Bomi-What am I gonna do?
Chanyeol-Practice. I need to focus on my own training. Prince Sehun's life depends on me

Bomi pursed her lips. What an arrogant remark

Bomi picked up the bow and arrows and practiced on her own. Not to mention, out of 10 arrows only 3 hit the bullseye


Bomi growled. She wiped off her sweat with her sleeve

Chanyeol-You alright?
Bomi-I guess I've lost the momentum. I can hardly hit the board
Chanyeol-Try again

Bomi put on another arrow. She pulled the string, aiming for the target

Chanyeol-To the left a bit

Bomi jumped in startle when someone touched her hands. Apparently it was Chanyeol. He stood behind her, holding her hands and corrected her posture

Chanyeol-Hold your breath
Bomi-I am


The arrow finally hit the 10 points

Bomi-I did it!
Chanyeol-That's better
Bomi-I'll try again
Chanyeol-Let's do it together

They raised their bows together

Chanyeol-On your count miss archer
Bomi-One, two, three


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