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I woke up from a strange dream and the most strangest part is when Jimin proposed to me. Like what the fuck, why did I even see that? I am already shy just by thinking about it.

I slapped my face to collect my self and got up from the bed. I walked towards the window and saw it was already evening, I sighed from boredness and walked towards the door. I hesitantly touched the door re-thinking if I should or shouldn't. The events from earlier today was still fresh in my mind and it is the reason I am hesitant right now.

"He won't hurt me....... Wouldn't he?" I nodded to myself and opened the door and I was welcomed by the hallway that always looked lonely. I walked towards the front and soon I was in front of a big staircases. I climbed down in it and stopped fro a moment to think what direction should I go. There was an another corridor which seemed dark and the memories flashed to my mind as I denied the idea of going that direction. Next there was a way towards another set of rooms but it seemed to have more light than before so I thought of going there.
I was walking in the hallway when I started to hear a faint sound of music me being the clumsy kid started walking fast towards the direction and,


I fell onto the floor by tripping on a tile which had a small crack. I raised my head from the ground as it was the one smashed on to the floor first. I got up slowly and to my surprise the music was now stopped.

"I wanted to see where it came" I crossed my arms in disappointment and continued to walk forward. Then I saw a room which had white light all over. There was a huge mirror covering almost half of the room wall and the thing that shocked me even more was that there in the floor sat no one other than The Park Jimin himself. I gulped while my heart beat quickened.
I could only see his back as he was sitting opposite side of where I was. He was not wearing any black or scary clothes like he wearer before every time when he comes to see me, he was wearing a white T shirt and I couldn't properly see what he was wearing for bottom. I was flinched suddenly when he threw a bottle away which he must've been holding before. I walked more closer towards the entrance of the door and grabbed the door frame and opened in quite a bit. But I couldn't stay secretly for more time because he somehow sensed me and looked back at me. What's more scary is the face he had, his eyes were glowing from red while he licked his lips.

"Wait is he staring at my lips?"

I touched my lips to see what's there to stare that much. When I touched my finger in my bottom lip I felt something wet, I took the finger away from mouth and saw it was blood. Then I remembered that it might've happened when I tripped on to the floor.

"What a waste."

I nearly screamed when I looked front from my hands to see Jimin in front of me smirking.

"How does he even do that?"

"How? It's because," I waited till he finish his sentence because this is not the first time when he answers for something which I said in my mind, But instead he reached his finger towards my lip and wiped the blood from his finger.
He brought it back towards his own lip while he licked it. "Ew" I cringed at the sight but soon I was feeling a sharp pain in my left neck. I realised he was sucking my blood again, Am I even surprised? Nop so I just let it be and soon the dizziness started and not after too long I was welcomed by the darkness..... Again.

Author POV

As usual when Jimin sighed into the boys neck he was tasting the best. How he missed it, he nearly moaned at the feeling inside his mind as he continued to suck out the blood. But not after too long he felt the boy's body limp.

"I don't wanna stop'' Jimin groaned but he knew he had to stop if he wanted to taste it for a longer time. He backed away from the boy while keeping his hand on Jungkook for support because if he didn't the boy would fall to the ground. He wiped his mouth to remove excessive blood and glanced back at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked very peaceful in this state. His brown hair bangs covering his right eyes, lips a bit parted. Jimin unconsciously smiled at Jungkook while he reached his hands towards the boy's cheek and stroke it.

"Awee he looks cute'' Jimin kept glancing at Jungkook with a fond smile on his face until he realised what he just said.He widened his eyes but still the boy looked cute in his eyes.

"Can I trust you?''

"Would you turn against me just like anyone else, would you just use me for something just like everyone else?'' Jimin inhaled deeply and said in a lower voice,

"Can I trust you Jungkookah?''

Jimin opened his eyes and kept staring at Jungkook while millions of thoughts clouded in his mind. Both of them were on the floor of the practise room. Jimin was sitting while he kept his hands on his lap while Jungkook was in a deep slumber on the floor.

"Maybe falling in love again won't be that bad.............''

Jimin suddenly opened his eyes hearing someones footsteps in the hallway almost like the person was eavesdropping him. He looked around but saw no one so he stood up taking a last glance at Jungkook but again he heard another thud. He wasted no time and leaved the room and started walking towards the direction he heard it. Suddenly he saw a man running looking everywhere. He was wearing all black and he had a hoodie covering his back head making Jimin suspicious. He was so close to catch him but he disappeared towards an another direction.

"This is why I hate when this house is so much big'' Jimin sighed in annoyance but he kept walking and he soon met Taemin dragging a man somewhere and when Jimin put his attention more to the man he wore the same clothes as the one he saw before running. Jimin thought of following him silently to see what he is going to do.

Taemin kept dragging the man until he reached one of basement rooms and pushed the man inside a room also himself entering it. Taemin suddenly came out of room looking at Jimin.

"Did he knew I was following him?''

"Hi Jimin'' He said while Jimin walked towards Taemin.

"Who's that?'' Jimin asked pointing at the man who was lying on the floor with his hands tied up.

"Oh he, He was just a spy from our rivals'' Taemin said while he send a disgusting look towards the man who was looking at him begging with his eyes for mercy. Jimin nodded understanding.

"Should I? or would you?''

"Nah you do it I already forgot to do something earlier'' Jimin said and leaved the room and not after second he heard a gun sound. Jimin went back to where he left Jungkook before to take him to the bedroom but when he went to the practise room he was nowhere to be seen.

"Strange..... Didn't I leave him here?'' Jimin said to himself while he kept glancing all around the room but no Jungkook.

"Did he already gain his consciousness?'' But Jimin knew it was impossible for him to wake up this soon because last time it almost took a day.

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