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Jungkook woke up feeling the coldness of the floor making him shiver a bit. While he was looking around the enormous bedroom thinking why and when he came to this place, his head started to sting. He touched the head only to feel dried blood around his head.

"Why am I here?'' Was the only question ran through his head. He got up from the floor and passed around the room and realising it's someone's bedroom. The bedsheets of the bed was black and there was a beautiful small chandelier hanging in the ceiling of the room making the bedroom more elegant. He walked to the balcony seeing the door for the balcony was open.

"That's why I was cold'' He said to himself while he observed the surroundings of the mansion. He wasn't surprised to see that the mansion in middle of a small forest even though he can hear the faint sounds of the vehicles going on the road.
"It's already evening?" Jungkook muttered to himself as a chilly breeze ran past Jungkook, ruffling his hair a bit making him shiver again he looked at his left side seeing a person on the balcony like him few rooms far from him. He observed the figure and suddenly his mind came to a sudden conclusion.

"Is that Park Jimin?''

"OMG'' Jungkook walked the left side of the balcony and continued to stare at the person who is in few rooms far from him. He watched as the figure disappeared from his sight almost like a flash light. Jungkook wiped his eye thinking he is hallucinating things.

"Maybe he is coming here?'' He said and not even a second past he was pinned against a wall inside the bedroom.


Jimin was lost in his thoughts while he stared into the atmosphere from his other bedroom balcony. He was suddenly pulled back to present by a sudden voice of something crashing. Other's might not hear it but Jimin had very good senses of hearing and seeing so he looked at the direction where the sound came and saw that there was a car crash in the road. He continued to look at the sight when he suddenly saw a man came out from the car which got crashed, bathed in his own blood. Jimin could feel a sudden feeling build up in his body. His blood started to rush trough his veins more fast than usual making them visible from the outside. His face turning paler than a normal person while his fangs and finger nails growing in a rapid speed. His eye colour turns from brown to a reddish colour.

"Argh not again'' Jimin said to himself as he glanced at his hands. He suddenly remembered about somebody and he used his super fast reflexes to reach that person not even a second passing.

He smirked as he was abled to pin the person he is going to use today for his blood thirst. His mind shouting him to dig in to it but he wanted to wait till the other's blood rush more trough veins from getting scared. as it makes the heart beat increase resulting a fast blood pumps from the heart.

Jungkook was on the rage of fainting seeing his favourite idol pinning him to wall. Even though seeing him in a different way than he ever imagined didn't stop the boy from getting his excitement increased. He was scared for the core but he felt like a faint voice inside him saying him that he won't do any harm for him. Jungkook wanted to believe the faint voice inside him but he was suddenly met with a pleasurable pain in his neck. He didn't knew how to explain what he was feeling as he first felt some licks and then suddenly a pain. He didn't wanted to shout probably because lack of energy so he just let his idol do whatever to him. Jungkook wanted to ask many questions from Jimin from how to why he is doing this. He wanted to say that he loved him more like an idol but he chuckled at the lame thought of telling it to him. Jimin would probably laugh at it so he just kept asking them in his mind. As the seconds past he could feel himself getting dizzy as all he see was now a spinning world. Not before passing more time he was met with the darkness.

I AM DOING MAJOR EDDITTING HERE lol btw thanks a lot for reading cause it means a lot to me.

TAKE MY LOVE <33333333333333333333.

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