What's a Lion Guard?

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Suki's POV

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Suki's POV

Hello everyone, I am Suki of the Pride Lands. Kion and Kiara first cousin on their father's side. My grandmother and their's were sisters. Former Queen Sarabi was my Great Aunt. Anyway my parents names are Kida and Eli. They died when I was only a couple weeks old. Well my mother died, my father left the pride and never returned. He only stayed for my mother. He left me as I was safer in a pride, Uncle Simba said he'd return when I am older and take me away. But I hope he never comes back. The Pride Lands is my home.

Anyway I am Kion's age. Kiara and her friends are going to track gazelles today with Aunt Nala. Preparing for Kiara's first hunt. I'm going with to start my training as a future huntress. I have excellent hearing, some say I have the best hearing in the pride lands. Like this morning Uncle Simba and Kiara woke me up when they went to watch the sunrise. So I left Pride Rock to go explore before my first tracking lesson.

(Time skip)

I grow thirsty and decide to head for the watering hole. I reach it and go to have I drink when I hear something flying my way. I drop and roll as a boabab fruit landed in the water. "Honestly Kion, can't you and Bunga play Boabab ball somewhere else?" I ask my cousin annoyed.

"Sorry Suki, didn't see you" he tells me apologetically.

"Did you hear it coming?" Bunga asks as he retrieves the ball.

"Of course I heard it, it was making a loud whistling sound as it flew through the air" I tell him.

"Wow you have great hearing" he states.

"So I've been told" I grumble and take a drink.

"Do you want to play with us Suki?" Kion asks me.

"I can't today Kion, I'm having my first lesson in tracking. Remember?" I ask him.

"Oh right, good luck with that" he tells me.

"Kion" I say.

"Yes Suki?" he asks me.

"Bunga" I say pointing behind him. Where Bunga is trying to sneak away with the Boabab fruit.

"Hey!" Kion shouts and Bunga takes off. Kion races after him and they disappear in the grass. I roll my eyes and take a another drink. Before going to search for Kiara and her friends. No doubt she's finished talking to Uncle Simba now. I decide to head for the Gazelles favourite grazing grounds, as that's where we are all suppose to meet Aunt Nala.

I reach a jungle area and smell Kiara with her friends. And I hear someone yell. I run towards them. "What's wrong?" I ask as I reach them.

"Oh hi Suki" Kiara says.

"Zuri got a claw stuck in a log" Tiifu tells me.

"Seriously Zuri? You don't have to sharpen your claws on every other tree" I tell her.

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