Never Judge a Hyena by it's Spots

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Suki's POV

Janja and his pack are causing trouble again. They've caused a stampede. We arrive and Kion gets the hyenas attention. "I thought I told you to stay out of the Pride Lands!" he snaps.

"Did ya now? My stomach keeps forgetting" Janja tells him.

"His stomach forget" Chungu laughs.  "That's a good one" he states.

"Go" Kion tells Janja.

"Oh, no" Janja mutters and the hyena take off running.

"That cub's gotno sense of humor" Cheezi states.

"Lion Guard, calm the herd! Suki and I will take care of these guys" Kion tells the others. We then take off after the hyena. We chase them back to the out lands and stop on a log over a river. "That's right! Back to the Out lands! Now!" Kion says firmly. The log shakes and breaks out from under us.

We both scream as we fall into the river. We swam to the surface and clinged to a piece of wood coughing. "Are you ok Kion?" I ask.

"Yeah, you?" he asks me.

"I forgot how much I hate water sometimes" I tell him and chuckles. "Lets try to kick our way to shore" I suggest. He agrees and we start to kick our hind legs as we're washed down stream. But the current is to strong. All we could do was dodge rocks.

"Kion! Suki!" Bunga and Fuli shout.

"Hang on, we're coming!" Bunga shouts and dives into the river.

"Ono! Keep pace with Kion and Suki!" Fuli orders. Ono agrees and flies over our heads. As Beshte saves Bunga. Ono tells Kion and I to hang on. We enter rapids and grip the log tight with our claws. But we lose our grip and go under. We swim to the surface and shore.

We reach it safely and I shake the water from my fur. As Kion lays beside me. "Lets not do that again" I tell him and he nods his head in agreement.

"Kion! Suki! Are you both all right?" Fuli asks from across the river. As Ono lands beside us.

"We're soaked!" I tell her.

"But we're ok" Kion assures her.

"But Kion, look. You both are over here. In the Out lands" Ono tells us.

"I can see that, Ono" he tells him.

"Kion, looks like that trail leads up river" I tell him nodding to it.

"We'll follow it then" he states and Ono looks at us worried. "Don't worry, Ono. We'll be fine. Besides, we don't have much of a choice. We definitely can't cross the river here. The water's way too rough" he tells him.

"We should be able to cross at flat ridge rock" I tell him and he nods his head in agreement.

"Lion Guard! Meet us at Flat Ridge Rock! We can cross the river there!" he tells the others. They agree and Ono leaves us. We set off down the trail. I soon hear someone following us and sneak away from Kion. Circling around to come up behind whoever it is. "Suki do you hear that?" I hear Kion ask, but I remain silent. "Suki?" he says confused as he stops and looks around for me.

"Hello!" a female voice says.

"Gotcha" I say and advance. I see it's a female hyena.

"Didn't knowI was up here.Did ya?" she asks Kion.

"No, I...I knew you werethere the whole time....Hyena. What did you do with Suki?" he demands. I pounce and tackle her to the ground.

"Who are you? Why were you following us?" I demand.

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