Joining the Guard

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(With Bunga and Kion before Tiifu got her claw stuck) Third Persons POV

"Wow! Me! Leader of the Lion Guard... Protectors of the Pride Lands! It's kinda scary" Kion says to himself. He has to find the pride lands bravest, fastest, strongest, keenest of sight and sharpest hearer to join the guard.

"Hey, Kion... Kion!" Bunga yells as he races after him. He rams into him.

"Huh? Ergh! Bunga!" Kion complains. Bunga gets off of him.

"Ready to start assembling the Lion Guard? Huh? Now? Yeah? Huh?" Bunga asks him. Splashing him with water.

"Yes! Augh! Just stop splashing me!" Kion tells him.

"Splashing? Oh" Bunga says smiling sheepishly as he gets out of the pond. "Sorry, Kion" he apologizes.

"Hakuna matata, Bunga. Now c'mon! Time to assemble the Lion Guard" Kion states. Not noticing the vulture Mzingo in a tree near by. "Dad said the Lion Guard needs the Pride Lands' bravest, strongest, fastest, keenest of sight and sharpest hearer. So I think I'll go ask the bravest animal in the Pride Lands first" he states proudly.

"Kion, wait! Before you go asking whoever you think is the bravest, think about this. I might not be the biggest honey badger. But I know what's in my heart. And I'm not afraid of anything, or anyone" Bunga tells him.

"I know, Bunga. That's why..." Kion starts to say. But Bunga cuts him off.

"I'll help the Lion Guard fight hyenas. Or jackals! Or crocodiles! Or vultures!" Bunga tells him. "Or great big rock slides or wild fires or floods! I will stand with the Lion Guard! I'll never give up!" he states.

"Why don't you stop talking so I can ask you to join the Lion Guard?" Kion asks him.

"Say what..." Bunga says surprised.

"Come on, Bunga! You're the bravest animal I know! I want you to be the first to join the new Lion Guard" Kion tells him.

"Zuka Zuma!" Bunga cheers.

"Zuka zama, , indeed. I wonder if Janja knows about the Lion Guard" Mzingo muses to himself.

"You couldn't have made a better choice. We're gonna make a great team. I can't wait to tell Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa" Bunga tells Kion. They hear a scream. "Kion! Do you hear that?" he asks him.

"Sounds like Kiara's friend, Zuri" Kion tells him.

"And she needs help. Our help! It's our first adventure! Lion Guard to the rescue!" Bunga shouts. He takes off towards the direction the scream came from.

"Lion Guard to the rescue? Hey! Bunga, wait up!" Kion shouts racing after his friend. Meanwhile Mzingo flew towards the Janja's territory, to tell him of the new Lion Guard. And you know what happens next.

(Time skip, brought to you by the gazelles) Suki's POV

Kiara finally joins us. "Was uncle Simba mad?" I ask her.

"Oh he was furious with Kion. Especially when we saw him with all his friends. He was recruiting them" she states.

"Who and why?" I ask her.

"Ono for keenest of sight, Beshte for the strongest, Fuli for the fastest and he already recruited Bunga. Father was not impressed" she states.

"But Kion is right though" I tell her and she looks at me shocked. "Ono has the best eye sight. Remember when I was lost in the tall grass, he guided me home. Beshte is the strongest, I heard he can move boulders. Fuli has never lost a race. I think Kion has choosen wisely, he was not being biased in his decision making" I explain.

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