Je Suis Dans Une Rêverie

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     My dear angel,

     If you're reading this, I regret having to have left this early on without giving you any explanation. It's weird how much you matter to me, because although you can't tell, my hands are shaking, the very last wisps of air leaving me are shaky, and if you were with me, I might have never been able to see this through.

     So instead of making this all sad, I'm going to do that thing you said, be cheesy —was that the word you'd used?— and give you somewhat of a good last thought of me.

     It felt like a daydream. Like coming home after a long moment of unease, like the feeling of coming home after being at war, the feeling of finding familiarity in the unknown, the warmth of a fire on a cold, rainy day. It felt like home. Loving you was my favourite rêverie, my reprieve against the world and everything I got into, got you into. And, god, was it horrendously wrong.

     Loving someone the way I do, holding onto my only hope the way I do, breathing, loving, living the way I do with you. Two souls so closely intertwined it would've been hard to have without the other.

     I'm sorry that it had to end this way, and I'm sorry for all the pain and trouble. You won't be able to see this, but if you could, just know that I love you. I love you till the ends of the earth.


To love is the rarest
thing in the world.
Most people exist,
that is all.

━━ Oscar Wilde.

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