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"When you're all alone I will reach for you When you're feeling low I will be there too"
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Time: 7:36 pm >Third Person POV
As the night began to fall, it was only 6 minutes into dinner. Everyone including the new people from marley sat and ate.
As usual you took your seat next to Hange and Levi, along with the rest of Levi's squad. Today everyone would be getting new rooms in the sleeping quarters. As you began to feel excited to maybe have a room to yourself or with ur siblings.
The chatter started at the table as everyone began to dig in.
"Y/n! We might go out drinking tomorrow night, since we have the day off. Care to join us?" Sasha chirped into the conversation
"You know what sure i'll join" You smiled
"Will you be joining us Hange?" You turned to the commander
"I'll think about it" They smiled slightly.
The conversation began to progress to many different things, at one point your brothers walked over and began to bond with the squad, seeing as they are closer in age.
"Alright people. Sleeping quarters are assigned on the wall!" Moblit yelled.
As you began to finish dinner you walked towards the paper, but before being able to reach it a hand grabs you.
"Your sleeping with me" Hange spoke into your ear as they pulled you close.
A sudden blush creeps up on your face, due to the fact you were so close to them. You simply nod and follow them to their room.
Once walking it seeing it was cleaned for once, everything neatly put away. The only visible mess was their desk towards the office space. In which you didn't care.
"Um Hange? Where's my bed?" You questioned looking around the room, only seeing Hange's bed.
"We're sharing a bed doll face. Is that a problem?" They spoke as they began to unbutton their blouse, you quickly turn away.
"You know, I don't mind you looking doll face, might as well get used to it" Hange spoke coming up behind you
"It's just out of respect to my superior, plus it's inappropriate" You mumbled to them.
As you looked around you had taken into account how much bigger their room was compared to the others, it having enough space for a desk, bathroom and actual bedroom.
"Alright i'm going to go take a shower is that alright?" You said gathering some of Hange's night clothes to wear.
"Of course"
You made your way over to the shower, stripling down from the sweaty uniform and got in. The hot water hitting your s/c skin, relaxing the tense muscles you had gained. It had been 2 weeks almost 3 since you've returned to a human, the memory of being a titan had faded and became foggy.
Washing your body and hair quickly before exiting the shower, changing into new undergarments and Hange's tee-shirt and some shorts. Doing your hair routine before entering the room once again.
"Mhm my shirt looks lovely on you darling" Hange spoke as they let their down, it being in almost a shag cut. With their regular glasses replacing their work ones. Wearing a sleeping blouse that was half unbuttoned. They were at their desk working on paperwork.
You walk over to see what exactly their doing, finding them taking notes in the leathery brown journal they carried everywhere.
"Thank you Hange, for returning me to a human" You whispered in their ear as you hug them from behind.
"I am truly grateful, along with the fact I got to meet such an amazing person. I owe you everything"
Hange began to blush at the sudden words. As they took their hand and ran it across your forearm. They had felt the burning sensation that would happen when they touched your skin. They began to craved it.
"Would it be wrong for me to say I-" You began as you were cut off by Levi entering the room.
You quickly get go of Hange and make your way to the bed. Levi eyeing you but brushing you off, making his way to Hange. They began to discuss some matters before he left.
Hange finished up their work before climbing into beg next you.
"What were you saying doll face?"
"Oh nothing Hange, goodnight love" You spoke as they snaked their arm around your waist once again.
Hange admired your beauty, taking into fact they too had caught feelings for you.
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