"chapter 22: let me join"

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???: well would you mind explaining then little lady?

Roxanne: ....i...predicted this would happen.....but....i didnt think kallisto would be here...

Kallisto: you...predicted this?

Roxanne: yes.....

Kallisto: .....i guess its expected since ur the daughter of grand duke antacia...

???: since u predicted this and came here does that mean ur planning on stopping us? To bad fellow lady we already made our mind, if u tell his majesty we'll co.e for ur throat-

Roxanne: i want to join.

???: ......what?

Kallisto: pardon....me roxy? Join?! What do you mean and why?!

Roxanne: i do not like his majesty and i dont think i can live another year with him still being the emperor, he is a man who only cares about power. He does not care about his people. He is selfish, ill mannered, and brainless, it would be bad if he were to keep being emperor for 1-2 more years since its because of him we are losing soldiers and rienforcements, other countries are also leaving us due to us weakening.

???: hmmm, good point

Kallisto: so ur trying to say.....that the antacia's wish to commit treason?

Roxanne: i dont know about my father but he also hates his majesty so there is a chance he will agree to this

Kallisto: i see......well then lets go, we'll plan on how we will kill him

Roxanne: very well

30 minutes later when roxanne left the building

???: are you letting her join just like that?

Kallisto: ....she's....trustworthy....
smart...and a good ally, she wont betray us, she is amazing at acting and the antacia's is one of the most powerful noble families in solman. We need her on our side to defeat the emperor.

???: ahh, one question, do u like her? Because if u dont can i have her? She is quite the beaut-

Kallisto: -throws dagger-

???: GUAH-

Kallisto: shut ur goddamn mouth you little scoundrel.

???: so u do huh? Well dont worry i was just kidding~

Kallisto: you better be.

???: ooh, spicy

Kallisto: shut you're goddamn mouth you moron. Im gonna head out now.

???: got it, stay safe kid.


Hikari's mind: i didnt expect to meet kallisto then and there.....i wasnt planning on joining so quickly too...well....whats done is done....

Kallisto: roxy!

Roxanne: kal-kallisto?

Kallisto: are you sure about this? If this plan fails, the antacia's including you will be in a very dangerous situation

Roxanne: what i said is my answer, even if it fails it doesnt mean it WILL

Kallisto: -sigh- im just worried for you, why wont i escort you home?

Roxanne: its fine! I should get going now, annie is waiting for me

Kallisto: ah, right...

Roxanne: stay safe kallisto!~

Kallisto: you....aswell roxy....

Annie: my lady you're back!

Roxanne: mhm, did i make you wait for too long?

Annie: not at all! I had quite the fun

Roxanne: is that so? Well then, lets go back now

Annie: very well my lady~

Back at the duchy

Roxanne: kyaah~ finally back.....

Annie: my lady you will eat dinner in 10 minutes

Roxanne: very well

Edmund: roxy you're back?

Roxanne: dad!

Edmund: so what did u do?

Roxanne: well i kinda went to the back alley of a village and went to meet a few people.....

Edmund: the back alley?! Are you ok?!

Roxanne: im fine~ .....dad.....i have a qiestion.....

Edmund: what is you're question?

Roxanne: if.....we were to comit treason.....would you join in?

Edmund: against the emperor?

Roxanne: yes....against the emperor

Edmund: thats quite an odd question

Roxanne: .....

Edmund: .....roxy....are you.....do you have anything to say to me?

Roxanne: dad i.....im going to help kallisto assassinate the emperor

Edmund: roxy thats-

Roxanne: i know, its messed up....you dont have to join.....

Edmund: roxy, im fine with joining the crown prince

Roxanne: wait.....really?

Edmund: ofcourse, i wouldnt let my daughter do this herself, plus, i hate the emperor for his selfishness

Roxanne: dad.....

Edmund: come here dearie

Roxanne: -hugs edmund- i love you dad, thank you

Edmund: i should be the one saying that, i love you too roxy.....

Heey- im done with chapter 22! Did you like it? Hope you did!

Thank you so much for 100+ stars! I really appreciate it!

I dont know what to say cuz im really just happy

Anyways like always


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