"chapter 27: uninvited guest"

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Roxanne: finally home.....

Ralph: ah!....my lady, you're back!

Roxanne: mhm, whats wrong? You look stressed

Ralph: i think...its better to look for yourself....

Roxanne: uhm, ok? Lead me to them.

Ralph: right this way my lady....

?????: we finally meet after so long...

Roxanne: ?!

Hikari's mind: this voice.....it cant be...!...

Rance: lady roxanne antacia.

Hikari's mind: rance charlos solman!?......

Roxanne: roxanne antacia greets his royal highness the first prince....

Rance: ugh, still not used to that

Roxanne: ???

Rance: being called "first prince" instead of "crown prince" if it werent for that bastard then i would still be on top.

Roxanne: your highness, you are well aware you are no longer the crown prince. And it isnt the crown prince's fault you arent on top anymore.

Rance: ouch, that hurts, give me a reason why it isnt his fault?

Roxanne: you are much higher status than me, meaning if i say something wrong i'll be the one lying on the floor.

Rance: i promise i wont~ just tell me a good reason.

Roxanne: first of all, you were a total jerk, always made fun of people (just like your father) second of all, you were idiotic, had no idea what anything meant, now if wehad an idiotic ruler then the whole kingdom could be doomed, and third, all emperors in solman all have jet black hair, resembles royalty and bravery in the solman empire, you on the other hand, do NOT have jet black hair.

Rance: woah woah, too much of you

Roxanne: you DID ask my opinion

Rance: i get it, i have blonde hair but that doesnt mean im not a good candidate for being crown prince!

Roxanne: would you like me to repeat reason number 1 and 2.

Rance: i think i'd die if i heard them again so no

Roxanne: exactly, what brought your highness here anyways.

Rance: so cold, like father like daughter, anyways, why cant i go here? Just wondering how'd you been

Roxanne: its either you tell me, or you leave

Rance: awe, how about treating me to some tea and cookies?

Roxanne: fprince rance. I would like to know ewhat brought you here.

Rance: a proper conversation and i'll tell you

Roxanne: ......-sigh- ralph....prepare the biscuits

Ralph: ah.....ofcourse my lady

Rance: Now we're talking!

Roxanne: please SIT DOWN.

Rance: ah r-right.....

Ralph: im back with the refreshments my lad

Roxanne: place them on the table.

Rance: mmmm~ this is rose tea isnt it?

Roxanne: yes it is.

Rance: you would look really pretty if you smiled more

Roxanne: ....

Rance: you should be more like you're mother, i heard she was really kind, she smiled alot too, you act way too much like the duke, arent you quite ashamed?

Roxanne: prince rance charlos solman, do NOT speak ill of my father. And please, now you have you're tea and biscuits, tell me why you're here

Rance: my my, are you that excited to hear this?

Roxanne: i am running out of patience you're highness

Rance: fine fine....how do i say this....

Roxanne: this better be good.

Rance: lady roxanne antacia, why dont we get engaged?

Roxanne: -coughs- WHAT?! WHY THE- .....pardon me.....why?!

Rance: i need to be on top again, if i get supported by you're family, then i'll beat that brat, and you, will become empress

Roxanne: ......

Rance: so what do you sa-

Roxanne: ...out....

Rance: w-what?

Roxanne: i said....get out....

Rance: you may be the grand dukes daughter but you are being too mean

Roxanne: you're highness, you may be a royal but who has you're back? Completely nobody. You want me to maaty you becahse you could rise too the top, you could have bribed other nobles to support you but you chose me, mostly because i have many connections, so if im with you, then my connections are you're connections, but if i dont want to marry you, a lot of nobles will agree to take you down, so will the emperor because he is quite ill and even he doesnt support you. So jts either you leave, or get brought down even lowrr than you are right now.

Rance: euk....you crazy......ugh, guards, prepare the carriage, im going back.

Hikari's mind: finally....he finally left....engagement? With him? Yeah no.......

Edmund: pft.....

Roxanne: ?!

Edmund: you did well there

Roxanne: f-father?! How long have you been there??

Edmund: since the "you are no longer the crown prince" part

Roxanne: so almost everything....

Edmund: kind of i guess

Roxanne: im sorry....i might have done something that cluld tarnish our family name.....

Edmund: its fine, he has no power so he has no chance against us

Roxanne: i guess....

Edmund: lets get you ready for dinner then

Roxanne: mhm!

Annie: right this way my lady.....

Hi guys! Im trying my best to post more often but i just get wrighters block way too often

Anyways this chapter is now finished! Im so glad people like this, im working on a new novel but wont post it till its finished

Thank you all so much for the support

and as always


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