albedos àtémpt

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*Authors note:I'm changing it up a little slight 🍋extremely slight Alb3d0_ is waiting for this part, also I'm bored and need to write something ok goodbye and enjoy*

Albedo was drawing a simple sketch,  while sitting  by y/ns motionless body.

He loved to draw, and he loved you. So he was drawing a simple portrait of you.

albedo felt a weird feeling in his gut that their must be something wrong with you, because he knew that y/n wouldn't sleep that long. So he lied his sketch book down and layed down by you.

"Maybe this will wake y/n up," he gently kissed your cheek, no reaction happened.

Albedo then lifted up your shirt and started tickling your stomach, still no reaction.

So he picked y/n up like a baby and started rocking you

Y/n woke up, "W-what are you doing albedo?? "Y/n said

" I'm just rocking you like a baby"albedo responded

He sat you down and started cuddling you

"A-albedo s-stop"y/n said

Albedo stopped and went back to his desk " I-im sorry for my  bad behavior. " 

Albedo continued drawing, a hint of sadness came from him, small tears fell from his face

Y/n came up to albedo and hugged him, "I love you"

Both humans started blushing.

"I-i love you too" Albedo 

"I'm going to go on a stroll around mondstat"y/n said

" Don't kill yourself,  here take this, " He handed you a purple glowy sword

"Thanks, goodbye"

Y/n left the lab

This was a weird chapter but it will have to do now I tired  and I go back to sleep

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