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   Jonah Simms.

The name that made my heart stop on the other side of the line.

Car collision

The term that made me tear up.

Hit and run. Alcohol. Heart failure.

The words that made me drop to the floor, sobbing. I hung up  the phone, chucking it at the glass coffee table, causing it to shatter. 

"Mom?" I turned to see Emma at the front door with Adam. I had completely forgotten he was supposed to come pick Parker up for the weekend before I left for the job. 

Adam ran to me and dragged me away from the glass while Emma ran up the stairs worriedly. 

"I need-I need to g-go." I said in between cries. 

"What happened?" Adam asked desperately. 

"He-Jonah...isn't going t-to make it." 

"What?" He was at my side, keeping me from falling back down. Emma was now back down the stairs, Parker in her arms.

 "Come on, I'll drive. Emma, stay with your brother." Adam commanded as he pulled me through the front door. 


 "So what happened?" Adam asked, doing 85 down the highway towards University Hospital.

      I shook my head, unable to get any more words out. We stayed silent the rest of the way. Everything was a blur.

      The guy on the phone, his name he had mentioned, but I couldn't remember. He had sounded doubtful. His heart was failing. He had given me a 3% of survival. And that was my fault. 

     Why did I say no? If I had said "yes", none of this would be happening. We could've just as easily been on our way to California right now.

    "Amelia Sosa?" I heard my name being called as I looked up to see a young woman dressed in a white coat. I nodded. The doctor, whose name tag read Dr. Rachel Keen, looked down sadly at me and explained the situation to me the best I could without me being totally confused. 

     He had been hit by a car, sent in the opposite direction of the incoming traffic. Glass from the window had punctured his body and his internal organs. More specifically, his heart. He needed a heart transplant, and without one, he would die. 

     Adam had his hand on my shoulder. Usually I would've shrugged it off, but right now, I needed the comfort. 

     My breathing was labored and uncontrollable. I sat back down to keep from falling.

     "He lost a lot of blood, but we have him stable now if you would like to see him." The doctor continued, and gestured for me to follow her. 

     "You want me to come with you?" Adam asked. He sounded so quiet, I could barely hear him, but I almost immediately shook my head.

      "I think..I need to do this on my own." Adam nodded. I had always liked how understanding he was. But...he wasn't him.


     A word I never really understood as a feeling. It had hit me like a brick. Walking through the ICU from the Trauma Center to a room labeled 729. Dr. Keen placed a hand on my shoulder and nodded reassuringly before walking away.

      I took several deep breaths before I had the courage to turn the door handle and push through it.

      I almost passed out when I saw him. Jonah was always full of life, always had a joke or funny comment. Now, he was unmoving, hooked up to a bunch of machines I didn't know the name of. Covered in bruises, scratches, and blood from head to toe. I took a seat next to him, taking his cold hand. They were now scarred, and I felt more tears run down my cheeks as I traced the littered scars with my index finger. 

     "I'm so sorry." I whispered over and over again, as if I couldn't convince him that I was, or myself for that matter. "I shouldn't have done it, and I wish I could take it all back." 

     I sat there for what only seemed like a few minutes, but I felt myself start to drift off, with nothing but guilt flooding my mind. 


    I was woken up by Emma tapping my shoulder. Her eyes were red and puffy, indicating that she had been crying. 

     "What's wrong, honey?" I asked, hesitantly letting go of Jonah's hand, who still was unmoving. The familiar whirrs of the machines that were helping him breath and pretty much keeping him alive were starting to sound comforting, as they were the only things letting me know that he was still there. 

     "I have to tell you something." She said it as more of a question, a tear streaking down her cheek. 

     "What is it?" She glanced at Jonah, then looked down at the floor sadly. Emma opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Adam walking into the room. 

       "Hey guys." He said, his eyes sad. He barely knew Jonah, but I was glad he still cared about the people I was close to. Adam put his hand on Emma's shoulder. She seemed scared to death as she looked back at me one last time and Adam dragged her away. 

     What had she wanted to tell me?

      I looked back at Jonah, as if he had moved. He hadn't.

Again, please, not hate for this story. I wrote this a while ago when I was pretty much a freaking child and I had no knowledge of writing whatsoever.


Love y'all 💞

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