Four (Epilouge)

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I never ended up going to California.

Adam had been sentenced for 25 years, and Emma and Parker now lived with me permanently.

I couldn't think straight. Every night, I would expect the phone to start ringing at 8:22 p.m just to hear the news all over again. The calls never came, and I would just go to bed after that.

Sleeping in my bed didn't feel the same anymore, and I found myself curled up on the couch, clutching one of Jonah´s button-up shirts every night.

I felt as if I wasn't whole anymore. I felt empty, and events seemed to just fly by.

I found myself wandering around the house in the places I would randomly find him, as if he would be. In the living room, reading a magazine. In the kitchen, eating some type of exotic yogurt. In the nursery, telling Parker stories about anything he could really think of to keep him quiet.

Even after just two weeks, I already felt as if those small important details were fading in my mind. I no longer remembered where he would've been at certain times of the day. Or what he would say in certain situations, or even what his shirts smelled like.

A piece of myself was missing, and that crucial part of me could never be replaced. I was missing my spark, and my spark was Jonah.


I got a call at 6:23 the following day, just as I was contemplating over the last time I had eaten dinner.

The voice of the man on the phone was low and controlled, and he wanted me to come to the junkyard to collect belongings from Jonah's car.

What could he possibly have in there that was still intact?

I agreed to be there in an hour, finding myself longing to be out of the house.

   I followed Mark, the man who I assumed was the same one that was on the phone, and led me through a maze of totaled cars.

I was still breathing heavily from the drive here. I had experienced a panic attack on the way there as soon as i had gotten behind the wheel, and for some apparent reason, I was terrified I would hit something, or someone. 

I immediately recognized Jonah´s black Toyota Camry from 6 cars down. I almost broke down in tears again right then and there.

Mark put his hand on my shoulder and nodded before walking away, just as the doctor had done before I saw something horrible. Something that broke me.

He was right.

The car was destroyed, the driver's side door ripped clean off, not anywhere in sight.

The entire inside was covered in a dry splatter of crimson liquid, and I didn't even want to think about who it belonged to, but I couldn't help it.

I hadn't been at the scene, but all I could picture was Jonah, all drunk and confused. The impact of Adam's truck against his car. The sound of Jonah's scream. The pain he was in, left there by Adam to struggle, and have shallow breathing until the authorities were called by a stranger and he was found, lying there.

Adam had just...left him. Left Jonah there to die.

But, why was I the one to feel guilty for it? If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been drinking in the first place.

Had Adam hit him out of anger? Jealousy? Both? So many memories came flooding back to me at the same time from the past five years as I carefully looked through Jonah's things.

I touched every item as if it were antique, and one wrong touch could cause it to crumble in my hands.

On the floor of the passenger side, the only things I found were an empty to-go coffee cup and a broken CD of the Hamilton Mixtape, which had been his guilty pleasure for the past few years. He had always been a sucker for musical theatre. 

I heard something make a small thud as the opened the glove box and the item fell to the floor.

It was a small navy cube-shaped box, which I hesitantly picked up. The box felt velvet and soft to the touch. I opened it carefully and immediately felt tears wet on my face  again.

In the box sat the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. The gem in the center was a perfectly circular diamond, the band etched with the same jewels. There was a small piece of paper that was carefully folded and placed in the top half of the box.

The paper's creases indicated that it had been opened countless times, and the sheet crinkled in my touch. 


I remember the first time I saw you. The first day I walked into Cloud 9 

  in desperate hopes that the job would not destroy my life. It did the complete opposite.

The day you walked into my life, I completely forgot myself.

It only took three years for that picture to become clear in my view

Three years for you to fall for my apparently obnoxious habits

Three years for us to finally admit our feelings for each other

Three years for me to feel like a part of your family

 But it didn't take longs for me to realize i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you

You are my moment of beauty, Amelia Sosa.

    And i hope you will accept my proposal to marry me so we can make more of those moment together   

                                  I love you

And, that's a wrap. Hope you guys liked it!


Love y'all💞

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