Chapter 4

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It was 9:20am and Mr. Bolton's office space was quiet and cold.

The silence made the small office seem gloomy as I sat alone. The glass doors didn't give much view to the office floor, only muffled telephone rings and chatter was heard from a distance. The small window above the wall didn't provide enough natural light to the place. But if I leaned way back in the chair and cranked my neck hard enough, you could see the blue sky.

I came two hours early this morning, 6am to be precise. Ensuring that I would be here before Mr. Bolton entered his office, as requested on my notes. I wanted to impress him with my punctuality. I ticked it off for the day. But the boss was late, and his hot latte was already cold. I scowled and drank it myself. It didn't taste too bad.

Nonetheless, I carried on with my work, according to my duties list. I had already completed typing the reports and was prepared to file the stack of contracts that sat on the file cabinet.

I had organized my small desk that sat in the corner of the office. My notepad at the ready, next to my laptop. The phone sat to my left and a homemade decorated container held my stationery, brimmed with pencils, pens and highlighters.

But what held my surprise, was Mr. Bolton's emails. There were some messages that were not work related. From woman. Discussing some quite personal things. I'd decided to skim over those messages, respecting Mr. Bolton's privacy. What concerned me though was that the messages weren't from one woman, but from five what I could manage to see. 

I decided to ignore it and obey the call of nature instead.

I hugged myself, warming me up from the chilled office. I was glad I had worn my jersey, with a light yellow shirt buttoned till the top as usual. It was only my legs that felt the draft more, since I had a pleated skirt on. But my toes were feeling most of the cold bite. The pumps weren't doing it justice.

"I should've worn my stockings too." I whined.

I walked outside Mr. Bolton's office and felt instantly warmer. The space in the main foyer was more pleasant. The office was alive with morning activity.

I strolled by the cubicles nervously, with my hands behind my back. Not knowing anybody besides Mr. Carson and Mrs. Walters that I haven't seen since yesterday. The others didn't seem too hospitable. But somehow, I didn't mind. I liked to keep to myself anyway.

The one thing Mrs. Walters failed to inform me, was where the bathrooms were located. My bladder was about to burst, and I had no time looking for the bathrooms myself. I asked a short curly-haired woman engrossed in a document for assistance.

"Hello... sorry." I said.

She looked up instantly from her document and smiled to my relief. Her smile was warm and friendly, making me smile in return.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

I nodded quickly. "Do you mind telling me where's the bathroom." My legs pinching, wanting to do a little dance.

She chuckled, her red lips smiling, and got up. "C'mon girl I'll show you. before you burst on us."

"Thanks!" I chirped.

"You Mr. Bolton's new assistant huh?" She asked as we walked, her blue summer dress swishing against me. "I saw you coming out his office. And I won't lie I was slightly confused."

"Yes, I started yesterday." I frowned by her confusion. "Why? Is there a problem."

She shook her head playfully and led the way.

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