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Plot: y/n is stressed and Dream just knows what to do
Minecraft or irl: irl
Warning: no
Genre: fluffy
Y/n pov
"Make sure you study tonight." Your professor spoke. "We have a big exam Tomorrow that is worth some of your final grade." You roll your eyes. You were already stressed. You didn't need more. You walk out of the classroom and to your car. You arrive at your house and open the door. Immediately you hear your boyfriend screaming. "I GOT YOU GEORGE." You stomp up the stairs and go past your boyfriends room. "Hey y/n." He called but you didn't hear him over your stomps. You make it to your room and slam the door.

Dreams pov
"Hey y/n." I call to them but they ignore me. "Hey guys I'm going to get off y/n seems like there in a bad mood." I say. "Aright man do what you have to do." Sapnap says. "Thanks guys goodbye." I say before shutting off the computer. I walk over to y/n door and open it to see them crying. There books were scattered around the room and there computer shoved under the bed. "Y/n what's wrong."

Y/n pov
"Y/n what's wrong." Dream asks me. you look at him tears in my eyes. "I'm stressed I have to study for a exam worth  some of my grade but I also have lots of homework." You sob. You felt the bed sink. "Come here y/n." Dream says. You scoot next to him. He wraps his hands around you and pulls you into his chest. "But dream I have to study-." He cuts you off. "Yeah but this is much better." He said.

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