Birthday Girl

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Luhan opens his eyes and now he is fully awake from sleep. He stays for a while because he enjoys the face of Irene. Like usual, they 'sleep' and sleep together in his bedroom. Irene's bedroom has no use here. Luhan moves his finger on Irene's cheek softly as his lips curve a smile. He always like this morning view. He pecks Irene's lips before gets out from the bed. He doesn't want to wake her up. He will give her a day off, well, he has another plan. Tomorrow is Irene birthday and he wants to buy her a present. 


Luhan starts working and focus on the proposal. He needs to finish all his works before go for Irene's present. But actually he has no idea what to buy. Suddenly the door open as Suho walks in. He sits infront of Luhan and stares at him.

"Where is your lovely Irene?" Suho asks.

"Home, Suho, can you suggest me what to buy for her present?" Luhan asks back.

"You should ask girls, we are men, we have the same thought, I know what's inside your head, bags, shoes, diamond rings, those present are mainstream" Luhan stares into Suho because what he said is right.

"Wait, but I think you should bring her to somewhere she likes, or somewhere she really wants to visit" Suho's words remind Luhan about something. He knows where to bring Irene. It's a lucky that tomorrow is saturday.

"Can you call my secretary when you go out? I have to ask her" Luhan smiles to Suho.

"You shoo me away huh? What a great friend" Sarcastic on Suho's tone.


Irene curles up on her sleep and her eyes open when she feels the space beside her empty. She crawls off the bed and takes her clothes on the floor. She slips into the clothes and walks to the bathroom. Luhan isn't there. She gets out from the bathroom and her eyes bulge when she saw the clock. She rushes to her room and take a bath. Totally ignoring Yumi who is preparing her clothes.

After the shower, Irene runs to the wardrobe. She puts in her clothes and gets ready for office. Yumi just smile when she watches Irene like that. Yumi knows now why her master fall for Irene.

"Miss" Yumi calls Irene who is rushing to the door.

"Wae Yumi? I'm in a hurry" Irene stops infront of her.

"Master Lu said he gives you a day off" Yumi smiles to the girl infront of her. Irene eyes sparkle like a star.

"Really? Woah, unpredictable" Irene chuckles to Yumi.

"Yes Miss, now I will prepare your breakfast" Yumi bows to Irene and leaves. Now Irene all alone in her bedroom, feeling the emptiness and loneliness. She always ask for a day off but she prefers to read that idiotic business book in the same room with Luhan. Now she has no idea how would she spend this day alone without him.


Luhan is inside his office, busy with himself. All works done and now he makes a handmade bracelet for Irene. He gets this idea from the secretary. His secretary said girls really like handmade rather than a branded bag or shoes. She said girls will appreciate the effort of the man. Luhan moves his hand slowly to make the perfect bracelet for Irene. He chose to make a bracelet because he thinks Irene's wrist is pretty. Suddenly he remembers about Kris and Wendy. What if they come tomorrow? It would be a total fail. He stops for a while and calls Kris.

"Brat, don't come to my mansion tomorrow for Hyunie's birthday, I beg you Kris, I plan a whole day for her" Luhan says without a dot.

"Calm! You ask me favor but you called me brat? So funny" Luhan knows Kris is smirking right now.

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