Chapter 6 - please let me stab her

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new tweet from madeofouterspace

madeofouterspace you know what. fuck hot girl summer. I want hot girl always. let me be a hoe in the winter tf.

 - notaflower live your life bro

  - madeofouterspace you've changed your tune lmao

   - notaflower I still don't approve of the underage sex but im not gonna judge you for it yk

    - madeofouterspace fairs

direct message between

notaflower & madeofouterspace


I do have to ask though

why are you so hellbent on sleeping with every guy in our year


not every guy

I wouldn't fuck any of the lads for a start

or kingsley

but he's gay so that's just a given

and definitely not snape jfc I know he's your mate but 🤢


you're avoiding the question


how do you know im not just doing it for fun


cos you seem so determined to find a new guy every other week lmao

like you care more about that than about school so I was just curious


hnnnn fine

me and sirius started this bet in third year to see who could get more shags by the time we leave school

so whoever wins gets 100 galleons from the loser

which is money neither of us have

so I need to win lmaoooooo


why does that not surprise me

should I be concerned that this started when you were in third year


we were both 14 at that point if it helps


it really doesn't sweetie im sorry


nah its fine

but you did ask


fair enough

new tweet from jamesblack

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