Bonus Chapter!!

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1k+ special!!💞💞


Although Junkyu knew for the past few days that the inevitable ‘staying apart' would be there in the most important day of his life, while the event took place for real, he wasn’t any less miserable. He kept wishing for one call, one simple wish from his husband saying “Happy Marriage Anniversary” would have calmed his heart, but that didn’t reach him.

Instead, the detector buzzed. Little Jiyu's voice was heard as she cried in her room.

Junkyu rushed towards her room. How long has it been since they adopted her? Right, it would be two exact years the next day. Since Jihoon was always a guy with some quirky taste, he decided to adopt a baby right after the day of their anniversary, 2 years after officially staying as husbands.

Life went pretty smooth for them after coming clean to each other in their honeymoon. Jihoon really gave Junkyu the best romance, guiding him to everything ‘first' in his life. Sometimes they didn’t even seem to be husbands; just two friends spending the time of their life with each other- they were that comfortable with one another. For almost a year and a half, they discovered each other, staying free from any responsibility that might come; as they were really young. They had money to spend and curious souls to explore. So, all they did were the best things to be asked for. Travelling, shopping, playing, eating, exploring- you name it.

But, both of them had parents who waited for them to take the lead of their fellow businesses. So, the ecstatic life they were having had to come to that of a normal person.

Jihoon took the desired position of the next CEO of his father’s company. In a way, he wanted to. But it would have been imposed on him even if he'd say no. Junkyu, on the other hand, was lucky. Having a brilliant elder sister, Junkyu could escape from the burdensome career. Jennie Kim did ask his opinion first, but Junkyu decided to just be a normal high school teacher. A family doesn’t need two CEOs, right? So, instead of Junkyu, his elder sister was designated to the post of the CEO, following their father’s era.

Two more years had passed ever since, marking the day of Junkyu and Jihoon’s fourth anniversary. And it was also the first time Jihoon wasn’t with Junkyu- due to the obligation of Jihoon to attend a one week long session in USA with prominent business partners of him. Other than this day, for the last three years, they celebrated their anniversary in extravagant ways. The best was the second one, because they took the biggest decision that day- adopting their first ever child, a baby girl.

Jiyu- the baby girl the two of them adopted wasn’t given any surname. Instead, her name was taken from both the husbands' names. Maybe that’s why she received both of their traits, might not be genetic, but miraculously, she resembled both of her dads by being extra adorable, chaotic and restless. Junkyu sometimes just wished for her to stay at one place!

Junkyu hurried to her room. Jiyu just woke up and was crying hard. She was already four, but crying straight in the morning never changed for her. Junkyu quickly took her to the washroom, calming her a bit. She brushed her teeth and once done, smiled widely at her dad.

Junkyu cooed and pinched her cheeks. She quickly grabbed Junkyu’s legs in a hug. Junkyu took her in his arms at that, kissing her adorable cheeks.

“My baby!!” he adorably called, “What is she gonna do today??” Jiyu replied to that in her own language, half understandable for Junkyu who just nodded with adding some ad libs here and there. Before anything, Junkyu started to comb her pretty hair, making two cute little braids. In the meantime, Jiyu already spilled her entire routine for the day.

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