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One more step.
No two, no three.
I sharply inhale.
Another step.
I am numb.

The water laps against my knees.
Another step.
High tide is approaching.
The dark sky cries.
It understands my soul.
Another step.
The rocks cut my feet.
There's no going back.
A rock wall to my back.
This was it.
I am numb.
The water is up to my waist.
The tide is getting stronger.
I stand still.
I push all thoughts out of my head.
This is it.
I relax and let the water slowly push me harder.
And harder.
I am swept from my feet.
I give in to the the power of nature.
I am numb.

I fight all panicked thoughts.
I fight every thought of survival.
And I breath normally.
My head is submerged.
My lungs painfully full with water.
I am done.
With one last wave,
I am smashed into the rock wall behind me.
I am numb
I am cold.
I am never more.

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