My Crush (chapter 7)

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(Annie's POV and it's night )
Why won't Mikasa understand I love her...
That's it! I will try to get closer to her and confess to her later
I hope it goes well.....
(Next morning)
Ring ring ring!
My phone was buzzing off it was annoying especially when it's morning
It was Mikasa who was calling!
"SHIT! Should I answer or decline???"
I took deep breaths and accept the call
M- Mikasa A-Annie
M:"Annie do you wanna hang out tonight"
A:"Uh......Sure Mika!"
M:"Great what about we meet up at 6 pm I'm lonely that's all"
A:"Um what place?"
M:"The park I wanna hang out with each other :)"
A:"Uh yea- I mean Of course!"
A:"I got to go now bye!"
I quickly decline the call and squeal
"YES THANK YOU GOD" I squealed. I should get ready since it's already 5 it takes me a while to pick out clothes I should probably go goth clothing no what about pastel? Yeah pastel alright! I should change now
(Thirty minutes later)
I look nice- It's 5:55! SHIT I GOT TO GO NOW
I ran as fast at I can and got to the park 1 minute early I saw Mikasa showed up with
A gothic outfit I just wanna kiss her so bad but she only likes Eren which is a bummer
We started to walk around and got a place to sit 1 hour had pass and I am already sleepy
But Mikasa wasn't I decided to sleep on her shoulder I could see her blushing a bit but I didn't mind and slept on her shoulder.
(Mikasa POV)
Annie fell asleep on my shoulder I'm just going to bring her to my house and let her sleep on my bed that's all. I carried her in bridal style and arrive at my house at least it wasn't far I laid her on my bed and covered her in blankets and went in my living to watch tv (3 hours had past) we don't have anymore bedrooms so I guess I got to sleep with her I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed with Annie cuddling me like we are a couple but I don't mind I cuddled her back by hugging her I guess and we slept.       
(Lol sorry for short chapters since I have piano lessons and I am going through stress right now)

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