They walked in on you changing

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Stanley-he was at your house to have sleepover, when he left your room to get some snacks and come back to your room. You decided to change your clothes into pajamas before he comes back with snacks. "Uh hey y/n what kind of snacks do you wa- oh shit I'm so sorry!" You were about to put your pjs pants on right before he interprets when he walked in your room. "oh it's fine don't go just sit ok?" He blushed. You can tell he's all red on his face as hell, he went to sit on your bed and waited for you, you giggle and smile continue put your pants on.

Dina- you were at her house you got your new clothes to go in the bathroom to take a shower, you got in the bathroom and shut the door behind you then you were taking your clothes off before you go in the shower. You were half undressed then she accidentally walked in the bathroom you forgot to locked it before you got in. "Oh uh sorry I didn't know this door was locked" you looked up and there she is standing in front of you. "It's fine, but I'm gotta take a shower soo.." you pointed of where you need to take a shower. "Oh yea right, right heh"

Brad-you in the girls locker room at school and changing your clothes from your gym outfit and changed your own clothes. "Hey hottie how was the-" he stopped walking and talking at the same time then he staring at you up and down then whistle at you "God just quit stop staring at me" you blushed then you shove him out of the room.

Sydney-you were in her room changing a swimsuit to go swimming with her as you were ready to put your swimsuits on she walked in without a knock. "hey are you rea-" she stops talking as she looked at you, you were naked she blushed "um, not yet" you put your swimsuit on "o-ok..well I'm ready so let's go then" you and her walked out and go swimming in her pool.

𝙄𝘼𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙏 / 𝙋𝙍𝙀𝙁𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙎Where stories live. Discover now