Her dairy (S.N)

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summary: Syd accidentally left her dairy at your house and she acting weird around you and you found out that she likes you.

Pairing: Sydney Novak x reader

You guys were lying on your bed watching tv together and things are getting a little weird. Syd stretch out her arms in the air and her legs spread out on each side.

She sits up and turns looking down at you. "Hey uh I gotta go gets something to eat in the kitchen. Do you want something to eat or drink?" You sits up and facing her.

"Yea sure uh I'll just have a bottle of water"
Sydney nodded and gets up walking out of your room. You pulled out your phone and if sees anything pops out from the apps but nothing.
You put it back in your pockets and waiting for syd to come back up.

You noticed you saw a journal inside of syd's backpack that was unzip a little. You walked over to the comer that where her backpack was. You slowly pulled out the journal and read the topic "syd's dairy" you wonder what's inside of her dairy.

You read the first page that she wrote it in. Dear dairy, go fuck yourself
You smiled and continue reading it.
Just kidding. I don't know how to write this stupid thing. Anyway, hi. My name is Sydney, I'm boring 17 year old girl. I'm not special, is what I'm trying to say and I'm okay with that. When I moved here to Pennsylvania two year ago. I met this girl name Y/n, she's my best friend, she's such a badass. We moved here around the same time as well as Dina.

You breathe in and out that your heart was beating fast and try continue to read following along.

But y/n has this way about her that... she just makes me feel different. She was with me when I found out about my dad. She held my hands, we cried, and now since then she keeps me laughing when all I wanna do is melt into the floor. When i realized that how much I like y/n. She the most beautiful person I've ever met, she's the best.

Sydney just got back up with snacks and drinks she spotted you with her dairy. "HEY!" You jumped scared when she yells at you.

"S-sorry I I-I didn't mean to t-to read it I just spotted it i-in your backpack" You shutter a little and drop the dairy on the floor and move back away. Syd looked up at you that she made scared at you, she felt really bad for yelling at you.

"It's ok I-I'm sorry for yelling at you" you looked back at her and walked up slowly and stand in front of her.

"Y-you like me?" Syd sigh and nodded. "Yea I was going to confesses you soon. to how much I liked you for almost a year" you were shocked that she been liked you for an year. You pulled her face with hands and kissed her lips she kissed you back. She drop her snacks and drinks onto the floor and puts Her hands on to your waist to pulled you closer.

You both pulled away and you looked into her blue eyes. "I like you to syd"

𝙄𝘼𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙏 / 𝙋𝙍𝙀𝙁𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙎Where stories live. Discover now