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Taehyung's pov :

I was deep in my thoughts about marriage.
What if the person I'm  gonna marry won't listen to me and force himself on me?
What if that person is abusive?
What if he is a psycho?
What if-
My thoughts got cut off by the knock-on my room's door.
I directed my gaze towards the door and saw my dad standing there.

Third person's pov :

"Come in dad", Tae asked his dad.

He sat on his bed held tae's hand and said," Tae, we don't want you to marry someone you don't want to"

"But dad what about your business", he asked worriedly.

His dad just smiled and said," you are more important to us kid and your feelings matter the most to us and about business, you don't have to worry, we'll find other ways" and gave him a positive smile.

"I'll think about it dad"
"Don't worry much about us kid and take some rest"
"Yes dad"
His dad patted his head and went outside the room.
Tae was not sure what to feel coz he knows his parents very well and he can tell that this deal was really important to them.

Tae told himself that it's just a marriage and his parents had already assured him that the person who's gonna marry him is good so he  must not think too much and just deal with all this positively and everything will be fine.

He had always been a child who would do anything for their parents.
Just like any other child, his 1st priority was his parents and he would do anything to make them happy.

He always wanted to have his own cafe. He graduated a few weeks ago and now this situation came up. Guess he has to sacrifice his dream.

Jungkook's pov :

"Father, you called me?"

"Yes Jungkook, you remember I told you about Mr and Mrs Kims company?"

"Yes father, it was one of the best companies but suddenly their business went down", I exclaimed.

" Yeah, and none of the big companies are now supporting them so I decided to help them and as you know nowadays people are very fond of gay couples, I thought why not use it here and make more profit", Father said.

At first, I was like it's good that he's helping them coz they are really good people but after listening to that profit part I got confused.

"What are you thinking father?", I asked him curiously.

" I want you to marry their son, he is pretty and is a very decent boy", He said smiling.

What... My eyes widened. How can I marry someone I don't know and what about that person, is he willing to marry?

"But father we don't know each other"
I said.

"You don't have to worry about that, I've given them a picture of yours and here, he is the boy, his name is Kim Taehyung" he handed me the photograph of the boy.

"You don't have to worry about that, I've given them a picture of yours and here, he is the boy, his name is Kim Taehyung" he handed me the photograph of the boy

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The first thing that came to my mind was "He is beautiful", I was mesmerised by his beauty and his smile is now my new addiction.
He looks so innocent and pure. Looking at his picture, all I wanna do is protect him and give him all of my love. I wanna know everything about him. And just want him to agree to this deal now.

" Enough son, you've been looking at him for 10 mins, guess you already fell in love", he said while smirking and my cheeks started flushing.

"Oh God, you're blushing son", he chuckled.

" Father, did he agree to this marriage?", I asked nervously ignoring my giddy feelings.

"You'll get to know it tomorrow" he smiled.

"Okay father"

Now I'm very scared, what if he won't like me and won't agree to this deal?
No no...I shouldn't think this way.
It'll be alright.
Even if it is a rejection, I'll face it.
But I really want him to be mine.

Third person's pov :

Taehyung came to his parent's room and gave them a big hug.

His parents were confused.

"What happened, son?", his mom asked.

" Mom! Dad! I'll marry his son.", he smiled.

"Tae, you don't have to if you don't want to okay, we won't ever force you."

"I know mom but I trust both of you and you said that his son is a good person so I don't wanna lose someone good", he giggled.

His parents smiled and hugged him tightly.

" Tae, the name of his son is Jeon Jungkook, do you wanna see him?", his dad asked.

"No dad, I trust you and want it to be a surprise for me", he said chuckling.

"Okay boy, as you wish"
His parents smiled widely.


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Thank you for reading🤗🌺

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