Part 8

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Molly's POV

Me and Nick had just arrived at the beach, there was so much litter all over. We had our litter pickers and bags which were ready, Nick said she wanted a drink before we started so we went to the Boba shop over the road. We drank our Bobas but they were not even hat nice we both admitted. After we went onto the beach and got started. There were crisp wrappers, plastic bags, the chip shop boxes. There was so much, I didn't know how we were going to get it all.

Nick: Woah Molls there is a lot of litter on here

Molly: I know this is why I really wanted to do this, our environment is suffering because people can't find the nearest bin.

Nick: This is terrible

Molly: I know

Nick: I just had an Idea

Molly: Go on

Nick: How about we start posting this we do to help the environment and show the before and after of the beach?

Molly: Oh My God that is a great idea Nick and we can even post why it is so important you put litter in the bin.

Nick: Let's start now, I'll talk a picture of the beach now and when we are finished.

Molly: Okay, but we better get started there is a lot

Nick: Okay just let me take a photo


Both: Lets get started

About an hour later at about three o'clock they came to a part where there was no litter.

Molly: Nick?

Nick: Molls I know

Molly: Why is there no litter?

Nick: I have no idea


Nick: Oh My God

Molly: What?

Nick: Look at this

Shows phone* It is a picture of Becky, Xuan and Tamika doing a beach clean up.

Molly: What? I thought they cancelled?

Nick: I'm so sorry Molls

Molly: They betrayed me. They didn't want me there and they probably don't even want to be my friend!

Nick: Molls I'm sure that's not true

Nick's POV

Molly hugged me really tight I could see this was hard for her - just like it was hard for me. All I could do was hug her tight and tell everything's going to be okay.

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