safety/somfing else☺

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Clone: my clone has the urge to clean my room, so my clothes, take a walk, workout, sleep early, so my homework, eat lunch and a bit of dinner.

Time: 3 months in my DR  =  3 hours in my CR

Safe Word: safeword

Safe action: tap wrist  twice

Safety: I won't forget my safety word/action. I am safe from carrying trauma over to my CR. I will remember everything from my DR when I will come back to CR. I will remember what my clone remembers. Once I successfully shift my eyes automatically open and I will smell oranges. I cannot get attached to my DR. I have unlimited lives.

Extra:I am immune to sickness except for a small cold of small fever or illness. I have clear flawless skin. I have perfectly straight white teeth. My teeth are unable to become yellow or get cavities. I have no unwanted hair. Any trauma gotten in my DR will not transfer to my OR when I shift back. I feel pain but to a lesser extent, example; If someone slashed my arm open it would only feel like a papercut. I am unable to die. I always smell like oranges or vanilla. I do not sweat. I am unable to produce bad body odor. I can easily lie. Covid-19 does not exist in my DR. When I leave my DR it will pause, but when I re-enter time will seem like it has not stopped. I will know I am in my DR when I feel two taps on each shoulder. Once I shift my eyes will open automatically. I will be used to the timezone in my DR. My clone does my work and gets A's on everything. I have my OR Spotify and YouTube playlists on my DR phone. I have Spotify, Hulu, and YouTube Premium. I am a pretty sleeper and crier. I have soft lips. My waiting room has doorways to each of my scripts that allow me to shift there. Unus Annus is still going on. I have a good sense of humour. I am funny. I am good at doing my makeup and others' makeup.  I am safe from death. I am allowed to curse as much as I'd like to. I am a good actor. I am safe from cavities. I have a big role in the Dream SMP plot.  Anything I learn in my DR I will remember in my OR. Anytime I say 'mirror mirror on the wall' to a mirror I will see what my clone is doing from their point of view. No one will force me to leave my DR. I know how to play guitar  flawlessly. I have a fast metabolism. My clone always stays safe. I know how to throw hands. I have infanet money. my nails automatically match my outfit.I blush easy. I am very clumsy. my hugs make people feel calm, relaxed, safe, and happy. I am scared of thunderstorms. all animals adore and love me. I am ok in school. homework only takes about five minutes to finish. I am great at driving. I can walk and run without getting fatigue. my closet is endless and everything fits how I want it to. I am a good kisser.I can cry on command. when someone is close to me they feel safe, i have anger issues. I steal clothes. blunt. smart ass. hand writing is kinda neat. I tilt my head when confused. I can throw hands. good side profile. picking fights.late a lot. I have any candy i want in my pocket and it never runs out. both sides of my pillow are cold. pretty feet and hands. I have natrutraly long and thick eyelashes. my breath always smells like mint. no one has morning breath(bc I makes me wanna puke). I can lie really good. I have a curfew at 10pm but I sneak out and only a few times get caught. my ice cream melts slowly. if I am drunk i won't pass out. there is always a pretty sunset. I attract butterflies and they trust me 100% and perch on me. I get distracted easily. cleaning only takes 6-10 minutes depending on the mess. I never stutter in an argument. I can dance any way I want to. I look good no matter what position or way some one looks at me. I can see underwater without my eyes burning. I can sleep anywhere. everyone adores me. I have long nails and they are always clean. I sleep talk and sleep walk


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