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sometimes me and tommy will go to burgerking and buy kids meals bc we want crowns

Wilbur takes me on road trips with tommy and tubbo sometimes

Tommy tends to be more quite and calm around me

techno will read greek mythology to me when i have trouble sleeping

George dose not scream as much around me because he knows i hate loud noises

Tommy,wilbur, tubbo, and ranboo  me with mental problems, and when i feel unloved

all of my friends helps me feel safe/comforted when people say homophobic things about me

Niki sometimes comes over to bake with me

sometimes we all go on night walks while telling scary stories, but me tubbo and tommy get to scared so we have to run ahead of them (tommy wont admit he was scared) 

when i get scared of the storms tommy allows me to join him in his room and we talk about things

i got everyone mathing hoodies

i take night drives with anyone who will fit in the car

I usually am in the  vlogs 

i am in wilburs music video one da

all my fans are active in my discord so i get chances totalk to them and take video/strem recommendations

when me and tommy got a matching tattoo we got wilbur to give us permission bc we were only 14

i make pillow forts and when tommy has people from his collage over i hide in them because of mysocial anxiety

me and ranboo jam to lemon demon songs after we stream together if we aren't to tired

tommy makes fun of me for being younger even tho its only by 3 minutes but I make fun of him for being shorter and say " since your 'older' shouldn't you be taller"

tommy hates one of my cats because it bit him when he tryed to pet it

me ranboo and tubbo all have heelys sothat when we meet up we can heely around everywhere

i do movie nights on my discord server

me an  lani go to rhe same collage and have a few classes together so we eat lunch together

since no one knows my real name(like my fans don't or any websites) so my friend have to try not to say my real name

some times me and tommy make fun of each other on stream and chat takes ot the wrong way somerimes

me and thechnoblade share the hate for orphans

when i do just chatting streams i do them with Wilbur niki an  jack

 when i do media share i do them with jack because hw nakes the funnier we usually do them with no lifes

me lani tubbo  and tommy go board walking a lot

Tommy have me a locket in the shape of a square that has a picture of all of us together 

after night walks we usually get ice cream and drive a bit

Tommy helps me talk and meet new people 

Jack buys me flowers (platonic way) because he knows I like them

me and tubbo sometimes go looking for bees in my garden

when tubbo and ranboo meet up i was there as well and we streamed a lot


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