"Why do you mean, a dares a dare?! If we tell them, we're dead!!" Annabeth screamed jumping up and running to Rachel. I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist, so she wouldn't kill Rachel. Annabeth was fuming, her face was red and it was almost like there was steam coming out of her ears like on the cartoons.
"Oh come on! It'll be fun!!" Rachel cooed. She ran over to the fountain in my cabin and picked up two drachmas. "To Poseidon and Athena." She shouted, throwing them into the mist.
When their image appeared, Poseidon and Athena were together, bickering again. I sighed and gave Annabeth a side look then cleared my throat to get our annoy parents attention. They both stopped and looked over at all of us. Athena glaring at me, and Poseidon glaring at Annabeth. "Hey.." I muttered waving slightly. We had no plan on how we were going to tell them, so, we were kind of screwed."Take five steps away from my daughter, son of Poseidon!" Athena yelled at me but, being the stupid idoit I am, I took a step closer to Annabeth and put my arm around her waist. Athena was fuming like crazy, bet she wanted to kill me even more now.. Oops?
"We," I started looking at Annabeth for a second. "Have something to tell you." By now, I probably should have been sweating Niagara Falls, but I stayed dry, perks of being son of Poseidon.. Both of our parents took a step toward the mist to hear us better, our voices hitching with fear of them murdering us. "Me and Annabeth-"
"Annabeth and I." Annabeth corrected. Dam, she's so adorable when she's nervous.
"Annabeth and I," I corrected for her. "Are getting married." I said slowly as I looked over their faces.
"And I'm pregnet. Bye!" Annabeth screamed and then swipped her hand threw the mist, seperating us from the murderers we call parents. Annabeth and I both collasped onto my bed as everyone started to either clap for us, or laugh at us.
For some reason, neither one of our parents showed up. I think we have to thank Aphrodite for that one...
HIYA!!!!! Sorry it's been so long... I have a couple of excuses, wanna hear? I'll tell 'ya! Well, my dad got me sick, like three days ago, so now I'm REALLY sick and it sSUCKS!! Also track started last week, and I've been getting home at like 5:30 then have homework. I have two online classes, which I should probably be working on right now.... Oh well! That's all I got.. Sowie??? Don't hate me!!! I know it's not the best, but.... :P
Love 'ya! Please like message me truths and dares you want for the people's here!! I won't update till someone does! Yeah, I'm gonna play that card! Aka, I have no more ideas... Oops? Sowie?