Reunion in the cold

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« Salve, Mater »

The joy that France feel by hearing those  simple words was indescribable. She had never imagined that one day ,she will meet again one of her dearest children, whom death had stolen from her too soon. France wondered if the curse that her former husband had condemned her, would have been   finally  broken by an external force. However, this short moment of joy did not last. That already the poor child, was trembling feverishly against the breast of her mother.Who, in a maternal gesture, began to caress her long red hair. Despite the temptation to stay against her mother, Celanie broke away violently, before falling immediately  on the snow-covered ground. As her mother look at her with an anxious gaze , then rushed to her side, the poor child began to be taken by searing tremors. Before starting to puke out a black bile, sprinkled with small reddish splash.

Once she seemed to have finished to vomit, France helped her little girl to raised up. Alas, the child, still trembling, was taken by a violent cough. Her watery eyes, were blindly seeking for France. But they could only perceive the darkness. And before,  Celanie realize, that she was slowly sinking into the unconsciousness. Her mother began to utter a cry of despair, holding the inanimate body of her dear daughter.

The heavy eyelids of Celanie  began to close.

The snow began to fall slowly again, their frail flakes landed delicately on the puny child. She  had to act quickly, before the life left this young body again.

Thus, her poor mother took her in her arms, and captured her suitcase with her other hand. Each of her steps were difficult . The cold was starting to sink into her shoes, through tiny holes. But that wasn't the most important at the moment.No. France could feel Celanie's small body getting colder and colder. She stopped. Opening her suitcase with her only hand available. And as the clothes fell into the snow, she was desperate for something to warm up and cover her child. In this mass of clothing, France saw one of her white sweaters, and without losing a second, she captured it with her frozen hands to clothe her child. Looking back in her suitcase, the poor mother noticed the little pink hat with a  pompom which belongs to Russia, whom fortunately was not too small on Celanie.

Knowing that the sweater would not be enough, to protect her daughter from the icy wind, France looked again in her pile of clothes, lifting up several wool stockings, she took her long socks to cover her daughter's almost bare feet. Her little sandals having fallen during their walk. By miracle, France found a blue plaid. She had forgotten how much Russia had insisted on taking it because it was a gift from her aunt Greece .

However, France had to resign herself to not sink into her memories of those happy days, every second mattered to her little Celanie, she could not lose her again. Without wasting any more time, France wrapped her daughter in the plaid and took her back in her arms. The walk could start again.
It lasted another hour in this frigid desert. At rare moments and for a short time, Celanie would opened one of her frail eyelids to look at her mother before the fever plunged her back into unconsciousness.

On several occasions, France began to doubt the situation in which she found herself, and began to think, "What if there was nothing more to be done, that their only solution was  to let the cold engulf them in her snow coat.That she could never find her way back to the station. Was all of this even real, or was she just plunged back into a terrible nightmare?" Her questions remained unanswered. The minutes passed and still no sign of the station or any path. France looked at her daughter, her little face was extremely pale. The poor mother felt her heart tightening, she did not want to relive this disaster for the second time. She could not let the cold winter take away her precious child's life again.

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