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The soft rays of the sun caressed the skin of France, which turned in her sheets. Her body didn't have clothes to hide her nudity, she was still sticky due to the activities of the past evening . At her side, her lover slept deeply, he had one of his hands touching the thigh of France. She slowly opened her grey eyes, which were slightly blinded by the sun's rays. France groaned as she got up but she fell back because of the USSR who captured her to take her in his arms. She sighed as he put his head against her neck, covering her neck with kisses. France smiled, and turned to kiss the lips of the USSR .
While they were kissing, the USSR began to caress the body of France again, appreciating each of the curves of its body . Looking at his lover's neck he noticed a very thin scar of circular shape. USSR began to cover it with kisses, France noticing that he had seen her scar, decided it was time to stop their little game . With a little smile, she decided to leave her bed completely naked and went to her bathroom.

The morning passed quietly, USSR had left the young woman before lunch time. He had to meet important people in a French gourmet restaurant. After he left the apartment. A furtive shadow passed down the stairs and rang at the doorbell. France already knew who it was and she went to open the door to him with all the nonchalance she had.

United Kingdom was standing there, still wearing his clothes from the day before, he seemed to have regained some colors and his voice was more settled.

"My dear France, we must immediately discuss what is happening."

Without a word, France let him into her apartment, the two countries settled in the dining room. France set the table while the United Kingdom, told her the latest news.

"Last night, I wanted to warn you that Third Reich was missing. And that America wanted everyone who was her ally to give him the latest information, if we had any , of couse."

"Very well, I will gladly tell him  the bare minimum of what I know."

"You know where he is, don't you? " Said the UK, drinking a glass of water. France did not answer immediately as she went to her refrigerator to find something to compose their meal. She returned with her arms loaded with different boxes, which she gently placed on the table. United Kingdom could see that she had bite marks on her fine neck , she still wore her very fine ribbon of white cloth .

"He did not let you rest , last night . "Remarked United Kingdom by opening one of the boxes that contained pieces of smoked chicken.

"No, but that's help me to  forget what happened during the war. I think he's pretty good in bed."

"I wonder, how long will you stay with him before you get tired?" Asked United Kingdom , serving France who was busy opening the other boxes filled with vegetables.

"I don't know. You seem to miss me already? "Replied with a smile, France.

"Well, of course I miss you. Already, during the war, I thought I would never see you alive again.You're gonna have to explain to me one day how you got to be in two different places at the same time."

"A woman has her little secrets. Moreover, I never reveal all my cards. You must be one of the few countries still in this world, who knows many of my great secrets."

"In the rare moments when you have been willing to confide in me."

"What do you want, I've always been like that, I'm not going to change now."

'All I see is that, as always, you arouse temptation and desire in other countries. And many have bitten their fingers at wanting to possess you entirely. I am surprised that America is not tempted to have you."

"Why? He looks at me as if I was the last slut or favourite in vogue."

The United Kingdom had to refrain from laughing when he heard the words of France and the disgusted pout she had when she imagined America making love to her.

"Besides, you know very well that I always consider him as a capricious child."

"Yes, yes, I know. But France, you still hate him for what happened to...."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear any more about it. The past is now over. And it will never be returned to me or come back to me. I looked for her in the other world for a long time and never found her. All I have left of her is her portrait when she was a young girl and some of her stuff from her childhood.

The rest of the meal was in silence. United Kingdom, did not recount the telephone conversation he had with America. He left her at about one o'clock in the afternoon.

France did her dishes, then went to her sofa with a bottle of wine, which she sobbed before falling asleep, alone.

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