Part 3

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It was the next day after the sleepover and I got up before the girls. I go upstairs to make up waffles, bacon, and eggs and FaceTime Adam while I do it.

Y/n: We had so much fun last night! I wanna do that all the time. I forgot how fun sleepovers were!

Adam has been listening to me rant on about my night for over half an hour now. But I of course didn't tell him about Julie. That's her business to tell, not mine.

Y/n: I talk too much, don't I?

Bby❤️‍🔥: Not too much but a lot. I like it though, you keep me entertained

Y/n: So tell me about your night. What did you boys do?

Bby❤️‍🔥: Well we hung out at Charlie's for a little then we went to some seniors party and it was crazy. I didn't have much fun because they were doing some hard drugs there. Not me and the boys but other people. I still drank though and this girl was all over me. I don't her but she knew me.

Hearing that a girl was all over him makes me nervous. I know he wouldn't cheat but I don't trust these girls. They always threw themselves at him and he'd let them. But like I said, he'd never cheat and I trust him.

Y/n: 'This girl'..?

Bby❤️‍🔥: Hun, don't worry. I didn't do anything and when she was all over me, I pushed her away or told her I had a girlfriend. Alright?

Y/n: I know you'd never do anything but I just don't like the thought of you with someone else. I know I'm being dramatic but-

Bby❤️‍🔥: No you aren't. Listen, let's have a date night tonight. Your moms still gone and I'll just tell my parents I'm hanging with the guys again. I'll take you somewhere nice. So be ready at 6:00. I have to go though sweetheart so I'll text you later. I love you.

Y/n: Okay, I love you too

Adam and I hung up the phone and Connie and Julie came up to the kitchen. "Hey we gotta go  Y/n. We're sorry but my mom said she needs to pick us up now because I have somewhere to go and I'm Julies ride" I nod in understandment and they leave. "Looks like I'm eating all this by myself" I say to myself and eat some of what I made for us.


It's about 5:00 and I have an hour to get ready. I already did my make up for the day this morning so I just had to touch it up. I did my hair wavy and left it down. I put on a short back dress with my slip on vans. It was now 5:50 and I sat by the door waiting for Adam. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door and I got up to open it. "Y/n, you look great!" He kisses my cheek and walked me to the passengers side of the car. "And you look handsome baby" I look over at him in the drivers seat and he smirks at me.
We drive to a restaurant, a really nice one. "Adam, I told you you don't have to take me places like these. This place looks expensive." We get out the car and valet parks it. "Well I only want the best for my girl." He kisses my forehead and we walk in and get seated. "I take you places like this because I want to impress you and I want to use the money to make our dates special." I smile to myself at the effort he puts into our dates. "Spending a lot of money won't make it special, just being together and making memories will. But let's just enjoy tonight." A waiter came over and took our orders. We both got the steak dinner on special tonight.
We ate and talked about hockey, our friends, school, and our parents. We weren't there long because the food came out fast and I get full easily so when I was done, Adam was too. He looked at me abs could see I was ready to go home. "Want me to take you home now?" I nod and he pays the bill. "Thank you Banksie. That was really good." I hug his arm as we walked to the car and he put his jacket on me before we got in the car. "Anytime beautiful. Next time it'll be somewhere not as fancy." I sigh at his words abs feel bad. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful-" "Y/n, that's not what I meant. It's okay. You've told me this before and I just didn't listen. It's not a big deal." He smiles and places his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb on it.

We got to my house and Adam decided to stay the night so we went up to my room and he picked out some shorts to change into. He had his own drawer in my dresser with clothes of his. I changed into shorts and a shirt and we cuddled on my bed watching 'Friends'. We both fell asleep, he was in between my legs laying on top of me with his head on my chest. I wake up to my door begin swung open and I see, it's my mom. Adam shoots up from me and stands at the foot of the bed. I get up and get in front of my mom. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE? What part of 'you can't be with him' do you not understand!??" She yells at me getting in my face. I'm surprised she's acting this way. "Huh girl?" He yells and Adam tries to butt in, "Ms. Daws-" he tries to say but she doesn't let him. "Shut it Adam!" She walks past me to him, "God, you're just like your father. You're just a rich spoiled little boy who only wants to get in my daughters pants to make me mad!" I was taken back at her words. What was she talking about? "Rosario! Stop it!" She hated when I used her first name. I grab my moms arm and she spins around towards me. The anger in her eyes fills and I wince in pain as her hand met with my cheek. She slapped me. I hold my hand over my cheek and sit there looking at her. I can see she regrets it but she doesn't say anything. She runs down the stairs and I follow her. She grabs her suitcases and leaves without saying a word.

BRO I JUST READ IN A ARTICLE THAT MARGUERITE KISSED AT LEAST FIVE OF THE GUYS ON SET OF D2 AND SHE SAID SHE LOVED THE MALE ATTENTION. I just know one of the guys were Vincent and I'm extremely jealous but whatever.

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