Question 15

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GachaClubDefender5: *Reading the question* Favorite Friday Night Funkin Mod?

Machito: *Thinking* Favorite Friday Night Funkin Mod. If I have to choose my Favorite it would be the Garcello Mod. I LOVE all 4 songs of Garcello from the way Boyfriend and Garcello sing together in a great beat and the last song, man it was pretty sad of seeing him die from Smoking and the animation Cutscene was awesome to see! He's was a cool dude. I wish he didn't smoke, since that cool dude don't deserve to die like that.

Lucy: *Thinking* My Favorite Mod for Friday Night Funkin would be the Starlight Mayhem Mod. Both CJ and Ruby (Starlight Mayhem Mod Ruby) give out the most sicken and addiction beat I ever heard in my life! CJ got the beat right but he don't compare to Ruby OUTSTANDING performing. And the last song of Boyfriend and Girlfriend Duo duel against CJ & Ruby was on fire! CJ & Ruby Singing combine with the Animation stage and awesome music is up make the Starlight Mayhem my most favorite Mod ever!

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